Surgery Date Set!

Hi, congratulations on your surgery date!! Wow that is soon! I don't really have much advice as I'm pre-op myself and waiting for a date. I'm not sure if you need a specific type of protein drink but I drink the Atkin's Diet shakes and they are YUMMY, they have a lot of vitamins/minerals/protein and only 1-2 carbs (depending on the shake)
I know what you mean about family members feeling it's drastic, my boyfriend feels that way and my mom does somewhat.. but It's already been decided
Good luck!!

Hi Candace,
I am excited for you too. I am 5 years post RNY proximal. I didn't
know this board existed until a couple of weeks ago.
If you really want advice from on oldie- here it is
1. If you are a routine coffee drinker you may want to know that post surgical pain relief does nothing for a coffee deprived headache. And by the time the surgery is over you should be pretty deprived. Ask you doctor if you can have a nodoz or something like that post surgery for the headache. That was the only post surgical pain I had-(lap done)
2. Be really careful after surgery with so called protein drinks- hidden fats and sugars. I found, through a Lap-Band friend- Solae's LIGHT chocolate soy milk. Very very low in calories and fats, but super high in protein. It is so chocolaty that you do not taste any soy milk after taste. It has been a life saver for me. And has the added bonus of being somewhat thickened so if you add ground up ice you feel like its a milk shake.
3. Well, your family is right- it is drastic. But so is dying from obesity and the complications that has. So, if you believe it is right for you then go for it.
4. Best advice for home care, if you have a LAP?
I was 48 and by walking litterly every single day- even when it was cold and iky and raininy, I didn't have too much a problem with the loose skin thing that some people end up having surgery for. My husband was actually the one behind the walking- I was the whiner tagging along.
5. The other advice is to drink lots and lots and lots of water-for the rest of your life, but especially after surgery- it will help clear your body of the wonderful drugs they use during surgery....
Good luck!!!
Actually, I just posted this here but Protdiet gelatin based protein is probably the best source out there now for being a pure protein. A lot has become available since you had surgery!
Protidiet has 15 grams of protein per small serving with no fat and 2 grams of carbs. I instantly feel better once I have one if I'm feeling weak.

Hi Candace! Congratulations on your surgery date. Some of the things I brought to the hospital that helped make my stay easier were socks, slippers, Chapstick, a robe.....that's about all I needed to be happy. I'm sure your doc will have advice for home care! I was just so glad to be home that that was care in itself!
Congrats on your surgery date!
As for protein, I highly recommend protidiet liquid gelatin drinks. They are the easiest going down when you are feeling nauseous....they go down like Crystal Light. Whey can kind of make some people nauseous.
You can do a google search and find it online. Tropical fruit, pineapple and lemonade are my favorite. You can also contact Coastal Physical Therapy in Brookings and get it cheaper than anywhere I've found online. They charge $6.50 a box as opposed to $10.00 a box elsewhere. 800-778-7314 is there phone number. (And no, I am *not* affiliated. Just a bargain shopper....)