Day 5 Post-Op and all is well
Just a brief note to say that this is the end of day 5 and all is going fine so far. Surgery was Monday and home on day 2(wednesday).
I am pleased that the pain is lowering and the BM is no longer loose.
Getting in the protein is a chore, but I found some protein products on Vitalady that work out great. They are low in calories and do not tast bad. The best is that you get 33 grams in a 4 oz. portion.
Now to drop the weight. I just lost 1 pound so far.
But hopefully the progress will improve as I get out and walk some more.
Thanks to all of you for your posts.

Hey Lara, glad to see u are hangin in there. I was wondering about ur left incision, how does it feel? Mine is still sore but not as sore as it was the first couple of days, but im still walking weird, i guess cuz it i stand up straight it streches it, and i forgot how to walk to somthing, i dont know it weird. Also was wondering, during the day are you at all feeing hungry? Do you ever feel full? Because neither is happening to me, just wondering if im normal with this. Talk to ya later
Hi Breana,
My left incision is still sore but not to the discomfort it was in the beginning of last week.
As for feeling hungry - not particuarly. But the full feeling is totally different. My pouch causes belching when it is full. It also makes weird noises that will slow down when I stop eating.
Today I made some bean soup with beef and pureed the beans and beef - but it did not set with my pouch and caused dumping. This is the first time.
I guess I will stick to pureed tuna and cottage cheese. Then 2 protein shakes along with my water.
I sceduled my 3 week post op appointment for the 27th. Hopefully I have lost more than the 3 pounds of weight lost as of day 7.