4 days Post-op
Well as the title says, I'm four days post-op. My surgery was on Monday, I spent the night in the hospital, but decided to go home Tuesday night, I hate hopitals
When I got home the pain wasn't too bad, just very very uncomfortable, meaning the left side of my stomach on the incision is very sensitive, and my back just has been killin me
and is still killin me. By the way, to fill you in more, I had the laproscopic gastric by-pass. I would really like to hear from anyone that has had this surgery, and tell me what kind of pain that they have had during this first week of hell!!!lol I really can't stand it no more, my back hurts sooooooooo bad, and I can't lay on my side cuz it hurts my left incisions and of course I can't lay on my stomach, I am soooo sick and tired of laying on my back and feeling pain, I tried the hot pad that worked for a lil while but I fell easleep with it on and it gave me a blister on my lower back
But on the up-side I am taking in alot of water and protein, and I haven't puked once. Thats all i have to say for now, so if n-e one has n-e insight for me that would be greatly appreciated!!! Talk to ya later

Great news - sounds like things went well and your back home.
I think it makes a difference if this is your first abdominal surgery or not, as to how much it hurts. When I had my first C-section, I can still remember how completely shocking it was how much it hurt. Just shifting position (or finding a position that didn't hurt), feeling the gravity pull when I got up, laughing (not worth the pain!). I would say that even though my RNY was done lap. I would rate the pain as pretty much the same as my C-section, the difference being that I had been through it, and at least knew I was gonna get through it! You will too!
I was advised that it is easier on your body if you manage your pain with the pain meds available vs. trying to tough it out. Being in pain is taxing to your system, and in these early days it is O.K. to rely on pain medicine. I did a lot of the breathing exercise they use when one is in labor - it really did help when I was moving around and climbing stairs to do the breathing. My dog didn't know what the heck I was doing making all that noise.
I didn't have a recliner, but I hear they are great instead of the bed. I used lots of pillows (like eight) to prop me up in whatever position I could get in.
The great news is that you are able to get your water and protein in. Before long these early days will be a distant memory, and you will be feeling great. Take it easy and keep us posted on your progress.
Thanks alot Patty for posting, it seems there are alot of people on this board, but only come on every couple days and post
Anyways, the only other surgery I had done on my stomach area was having my gall bladder removed, and that was nothin compared to this!!! Good advice about the breathing exercises, I haven't tried yet, but sounds like a good tool to help!!! So how long do you think that the pain on my left side is going to hurt? I'm assuming that when that stops hurting so will my back, because then I can lay on my side!? Well I'll keep y'all updated thanks for the reply!!

O yea, I forgot to ask another question, I havent had a bowel movement since the surgery. From my understanding this is normal, yet alot of people on here, including the girl that had the surgery after me had bowel movements soon after the surgery. Now I am thinking that most of my back pain is because I cant fart, nor have a bowel movement, I can feel something there, bubbly, but when I try to pu**** hurts!! Now after a week of this and I still havent had a bowel movement should I or has anyone took a supository? Thanks for the info.
I don't know about the back pain, but I had to sleep on my back, propped up with pillows for about a month. Any other position was too uncomfortable and from what I've heard, that's normal.
Are you laying on your back with just a pillow under your head? I had two under my head and one under my back so I was not completely reclined. It hurt too much to lay further down and to get up from laying all the way down.
Take care....things will get better!
Thank you Michele for answering my post, and thank you to everyone else on this board, I got sooo much info from all of you, and to update, today I am feeling sooooooooo much better, my back dont hurt no more, and I found out that the reason behind my backache was from laying on my back this whole process but also, I freakin started my period the other day, just great!!! lol well i gotta go, my live at home doctor, aka my dad has to take my bandages off now!!!! lol see ya