March 30th pre-op class for Dr. Hong
Anybody else going?
Just got in, the last person for that date, cool huh? I found out my old PCP didn't do all the lab work I gave her to do, I actually gave her the LIST from the surgeon about what blood labs needed to be done and she didn't do them. So I had to make another apt for next tuesday with my new PCP, Dr. Highkin, to get the last of the labs done. I had thought I was done with pre-op work, oh well!
So I would love to meet anybody else who is going, let me know!
Everybody has to take a pre op class for Dr. Hong, the class is at 3pm, there are several people going, then after that we get to make our apts for the actual consult. Maybe your class is just at 11:15? or is it the actual consult? I don't know much, just that it is a pre op class to discuss what to expect and whatnot.
Let me know how yours goes!
hmmmmm, i already had my consult with him, now tomorrow is my pre-op, and april 4th is my surgery. From what one of the girls told me on the phone yesterday, ur pre-op is supposed to be two weeks before ur surgery.
so maybe ur jes going to the bariatric information session where u receive the application then mail it in to the clinic?
Because thats what i did went to the information session where they talk about the diff types of surgery they do and risks benefits and u can ask questions, then u get the app. at the end of the session mail it in wit whatever info they need, go have ur blook work done, psych appt., dietician appt. and what not then u have a consult wit dr. hong one on one then u make a date for ur surgery and ur pre-op appt.
Thats too weird, I attended the info session over a year ago, already mailed in the app, had my consult with the shrink, dietician, and phys. therapist. The class was at the obesity institute today, about 7 of us, it covered a little more post op stuff and what we go through at the hospital, ect.... There are going to call me in the next day or so to arrange my consult with Dr. Hong.
This is what Cammie told me:
" What will happen is after you come see us your visits with our providers will be dictated and your chart will be given to our Nurse to review. After that it is given to me and I will call you to set up your pre op class. This class has taken the place of support group meetings. It actually gets you ready for surgery and answers any questions you might have about the procedure and what you will be experiencing and eating afterwards. Then after we set you up with that I take your chart over to the surgeons office and they should call you within a week to schedule your consult appointment. Then it takes about a week for them to dictate your consult note and send your packet to The Oregon Clinic business administration where the referral coordinators are located. Those are the people that get your preauthorization for you. "