support group in Portland?
on 4/25/15 4:36 am
It's odd the schedule isn't on the website. Here's the 2015 schedule -- starting this month, they're in the Trustee Board Room on the 3rd floor of the main hospital, above the main lobby. I haven't been to one yet because they (sadly) go past my bedtime, but after surgery, I'm going to see if my boss will let me stay late one day a month to come in late the day after the meetings. Maybe I'll see you there!
on 4/25/15 9:02 am
Great! I might not be at the May meeting since my surgery is 5/4 and my husband's is 5/11, but I hope we'll make future ones.
on 5/17/15 10:40 pm
I did wind up going to the meeting last week. Were you there by chance? It was my first one. I went at the suggestion of the nutritionist, and I found it really helpful. I may try to rearrange my work schedule to be able to go to them monthly.
on 5/17/15 11:27 pm
Ah, then I think I know who you were! I'm sorry I didn't remember to say hi. I was on the other side of the table and freaking out that I've been eating too much even on all liquids. Tomorrow starts purees...Guess I'll see if I have any restriction after all! :-)