Linda's (tlckiss) Surgery is Tuesday, July 1!
Linda is off to Portland today for her surgery at OHSU tomorrow. Please sign her support page so she can see we're all thinking about her when she gets home! N=K1181241370
Success supposes endeavor. - Jane Austen
We are in Portland at a motel for the night. Going to make a romantic night of it. Probably won't sleep anyway so will just love on hubby a little. Thank you for all of the support and wonderful knowledge that you all share so willingly. This web site is such a marvelous gift to each and every one of us.
I am so very ready for tomorrow even if it is at 0 dark thirty in the morning. Check in at hospital is 5:30 AM. Who cares they will be giving me a sedative and I will probably nod out and take a long nap and wake up when it is all over. It is the rest of the family that won't be getting any sleep. I will be posting as soon as possible to let you all know how I am doing. I know Chujo is going to post tomorrow for you all. Love Linda