Way off topic-doggie question
I have the most adorable mini-schnauzer named Fritz. He's two years old. Not to get too personal....but he has an undecended testicle. When it was time to get him neutered his vet said it would be abdominal surgery and could cost as much as $1,200 instead of the usual $200ish cost. I have been putting it off because of the expense - plus he just doesn't seem to be operating on any level as a man dog. He was the runt of the litter and is extremely submissive and not the brightest dog in the world, but he is the sweetest dog I've ever had and we love him.
Reason it has come up is because we are going on vacation. I'm boarding them at the new "pet hotel" in Tualatin. He and my rat terrier Tony get to share a "room" . They have doggie ice cream and all kinds of bells and whistles. Tony gets to play during the day in the group room, but Fritz doesn't get to cause he's not neutered. He's so social it is going to kill him he doesn't get to go. He gets a play session alone with someone. I'm not losing sleep over this or thinking it's any kind of tragedy (Las Vegas here I come!!) but I am thinking I ought to get him fixed. Has anyone had a boy dog with this problem and did it cost so much?
Patty - I don't have a dog, but I did a little googling about undescended testicle. Apparently, these can become cancerous in later life for dogs, so neutering is recommended. However, there are also so links provided to various herbal meds that are supposed to help. I don't know if they help dissolve the undescended testicle or help it to move down or what. Perhaps you could talk with the vet about them and if they are any good or if the best course of action is just to go through with the costly neutering. Here's a link to one of the meds:
http://www.tednitin.com/about.htm?gclid=CPys0d_1ypMCFRwvagod tx-mhg
I hope that helps!
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