salem doctor
I like clinics or large health offices so I can pick a doctor and check them out. If I like the doctor, I remain their patient. If I don't, I just request a different doctor. Big places don't seem to care. Doctors have been rotated in and out of where I go. Sometimes I don't come in for a while, then I come back and it's someone else. I just just make the appointment and see if I have the same doctor. They usually last a few years. Sometimes, the doc's not working on the day I want, so I agree to see other doctors instead. I feel like they're all ok. If you prefer, you could stick to one doctor for everything. I feel like if they're on board with surgery, I can deal with them and if not, we'll have to agree to disagree. Oh well. The doctors at the surgery places are the ones who do the deciding when it comes to my insurance. I know there are many people who like a familiar doctor who they get along with though, so my suggestion is to try out a larger place like Kaiser Permanentee or the Salem Clinic. I actually go to the West Salem Clinic and they recently remodled into a very nice and efficient waiting room. One problem I have is that some doctors don't take their time and/or seem very caring. Good Luck.