Legacy OWLS band support group
Does anyone know what happend to the lap band support group that was supposed to be tonight at Good Sam hospital? The receptionist said many people had been looking for it and it was not on their schedule anywhere. I picked up the schedule for 2008, 2 weeks ago at my fill and wrote it in my calendar. Since I spent over an hour in the horrible rain/traffic I was a little irritated that it wasn't going on. Thanks for any info.
Ummm... I know you said that you got a schedule for 2008, but I'm pretty sure the Good Sam OWLS lap band group was switched FROM the third Wednesday of the month TO the second Wednesday or Tuesday of the month. That is the reason the Salem weight loss surgery group swiched from our old time (last year) to our new time which is the 1st and 3rd Wednesday of the month at 6:30 pm in the Salem Hospital. I know when I drive there from Salem, it takes a long time. I can't imagine spending an hour for nothing. I hope you get it figured out for next time - and maybe some answers for last time. Good Luck in your endevours. Peace--HR