Albany/Corvallis Support Group??

Christina F.
on 1/22/08 3:44 pm - Lebanon, OR
Hi Oregonians, I was wondering if there was any interest in starting a new support group in the Corvallis/Albany area. I have gone to one in Salem in the past, and enjoy meeting with others who have had WLS. It takes me almost an hour to go to and from this meeting. So when I do go it takes anywhere from 3-4 hours and uses up the entire evening. I am not saying it isn't worth the effort, I was just wondering if there is enough interest for me to persue starting a new group in the Corvallis/Albany area. This group would be open to anyone, pre or post op, and any type of WLS. If you would be interested in attending this support group meeting please post here or send me a PM. Also let me know how often you would be interested in going to a meeting. (Once or twice a month) Also could you please tell me what city you are from. Thanks, Christina 

on 1/26/08 12:24 am
I am from the coast, but most everyone I know in the Corvallis and Albany areas- we all have Dr. Read. I try to attend that monthly support group when I can.

If you were talking about maybe a breakfast/lunch kind of meeting like the gals do in Portland occasionally. I might be open to that if it was in Corvallis and when the weather is better. Going over the coast range has been dicey ****y ) lately.

Christina F.
on 1/26/08 5:53 am - Lebanon, OR
Hi Deb, Thanks for the reply!!!! I am open to any and all suggestions............ I realize there is a meeting at the Corvallis Hospital, some of us in this area didn't go there, and we aren't invited to attend these meetings. From what I understand they are fairly large, sometimes upwards of 40 people or more. So I am hoping to see if there is a small group in this area who would like to meet either once or twice a month in either Corvallis or Albany. I will keep you posted if we decide to start a group. You could mention it at the Corvallis group if they will let you. It would be an OH group, and will not conflict with their meetings. some folks might be interested in the extra support. I also will definately keep the breakfast meeting idea in mind, who knows others might like this idea as well. Thanks for posting!!! Christina

on 2/1/08 2:16 am - Albany, OR
I would love to go to one, I am in Albany and did not use Dr Reed. Once a month or quarter would be fine. I am 5 yrs post op. Sheri
Christina F.
on 2/1/08 2:31 am - Lebanon, OR
Hi Sheri, Awesome, I will keep you updated..... also please check back here to see when the group will start. I am definitely going ahead with this plan. I am going to try to complete the OH support group leader training, I will complete my first training on Monday morning, so the ball should get rolling soon. I know it may start out with only a few people, but once word gets out we should see people start to trickle in.  would Corvallis be ok with you? I am leaning towards having the meetings there. Let me know what you think?  I look forward to meeting you. Also could you PM me your e-mail address so I can e-mail you any specifics as needed? Thanks, Christina

on 2/26/08 12:57 am - Junction City, OR
Hi, I would be interested in going to a meeting, and I am certain a friend of mine would be also! We are both by Albany.

Diana R
"Then the time came when the risk it took to remain tight in a bud was more painful than the risk it took to blossom."
-Anais Nin

Christina F.
on 2/26/08 1:36 am - Lebanon, OR
Hi Diana, Great, hopefully the group will meet sometime next month for the first time. I should be completing the OH leader training this saturday. We will be one of two new OH groups just now forming. This meeting will be in Albany or Corvallis, and there will also be a new OH group in the Eugene area. The leader for the Eugene group will also be completing her training this Saturday as well. These two groups will be supported by OH and everyone both pre-and post-op will be welcome. check back here for an up-date as to the time and location for our meetings. Thank You, hope to meet you and your friend soon. Christina

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