Seven Months Post Op - Wow~
seven months post op - life is wonderful. Not one single time have I regretted having the surgery. Emotionally, I've had my ups and downs - more ups than downs.
I really have to work on self-esteem. I am going through that stage where I look at myself in the mirror and don't recognize myself. I wonder who is that woman with all the loose skin and wrinkles? I look more tired, have serious bags under my eyes and have lost a lot of hair (and I mean a lot!).
On the more positive side, I actually feel better, have more energy and find myself being more active. My husband and I are selling our home and going RV'ing full time. This is something I wouldn't have even thought of doing pre-surgery.
I keep missing the local support group meetings, and that is frustrating to me. I really think it would be helpful for me.
Again, I have no regrets as far as having the surgery. I love my new life. I am just struggling with my new appearance. As all things, I will come to accept that also.
Julia, it's so good to hear from you! I thought I'd be online every day or two reporting my progress as the weigh came off ! I still have a lot more to go (as my grandson says - "Grammy, you still have another little boy my size to lose!"). It's been a fun and interesting journey, this weight loss thing!
We do have internet full time, Julia. So I will look forward to checking in once in a while....and also looking forward to hearing when the Christmas get-together is!
WOW! Taking up RV'ing full time.....if that is what you want, then that is fantastic...roaming around the countryside,stopping where your little heart desires.
Appears you have done an incredible job on your weight loss journey. I can still remember talking to you at the support meeting at Kim's. So positive and encouraging. Made me feel so welcome and you took the time to answer my "silly" questions.
Glad that life is good to you!
Brandon! Look at you! Your on your way down the scale too! Hope to see you soon at one of the support group meetings. I really need to make it to a few of them. Your questions weren't silly - they were the same ones that I was asking just a few weeks before. The difference was that I was asking them the week before surgery and was scared to death, so I cried through the entire meeting! HA HA!!! Hope all is going well for you now! It's been a while since I was online.