Four months out tomorrow
Well, I'm going to try to post some pictures in this message, but if it doesn't work, you can see them in my profile. This truly has been an amazing journey. I finally thought when I took the picture of my face today -- hey! that's me!! For years I've been wondering who that fat old lady was, now I look like me again!! comp-front.jpg who-is-that.jpg
Well, I guess links will have to do. Does anyone know how you put a picture IN a post?
Success supposes endeavor. - Jane Austen
Linda, you look GREAT!!! Wow what a difference!
So, now you are seeing yourself as you used to be. I wonder how long it will be until you feel like that thin person you used to be. For me, because of my drastic change, I've really dropped the fat person feeling alot sooner than I thought I would. I don't do double takes when I pass mirrors anymore, except to see that I'm WAY too thin. But I feel like I am more comfortable in a thin body than I was all those years with extra padding.
Good job, Linda. Keep it up. You look great!
Wow, what a difference, huh? Yes, I do agree, this has really been something. You look wonderful, and you're still losing weight. This has been the most incredible journey for me too. The weight just comes off. I love it! We'll all need to meet again soon and do another group photo and compare that one with the last one. Keep up the good work!
I will send you a PM, but I decided to post as well in case others have the same question.
To put a picture into the post, or on your blog for that matter, you need a simple HTML tag.
So for your picture it would be:
img src=" comp-front.jpg"
You would have to add carrot marks at the front and end of it: < and > (Had to leave them off or it would have just worked and shown your picture)
So put < in front of img above and > at the end of the url.
The img src stands for image source, and be sure you put the qoutation marks around the url.
Oh, you look great BTW.