Achiev One in Oregon?
Grammabarb, Tara & Laurie,
Thank you all for your response. I will call the company on Monday and see what they have to say. I buy it locally at a chain of health-food stores called Hi Health but it doesn't look like there are any Hi Health stores outside of Arizona.
I have found a couple of places on line that will ship it but the shipping charge is rediculous! One place charged $29 per 12 bottle case and an additional $18 to ship it UPS ground!
If I can't find a source in OR, I will wrap them up as well as I can and put them in my suitcase.
They are a protein supplement that is similar in taste to the Starbucks Frapuccino. Each bottle has 120 calories, 0 fat, 5 carbs and 20 grams of protein. It is my favorite protein by far and when I have traveled in the past, I tried to switch to a powdered version but I just don't like them so I don't do as much as I should. Anyway, I will let y'all know what the company has to say so that you can try it too, if you want. For me, it is the only thing I want. If it wasn't for Acheiv One, I would not get all of my protein & I know that is what helps me maintain my weight loss. Thanks again, Dj