Eugene/Springfield get-together
You are all cordially invited to a get-together at my house on Saturday, September 8th. I think we'll start at noon and just go as long as people feel like hanging out. If you are not already on the Eugene/Springfield email list, PM me your email and I'll send you the details on how to find my house. I live in a little cottage, but I have a big back yard and we can all gather there. If it rains, I have a big kitchen and there's a big covered porch on the back of the house.
I emailed Kim Goulart yesterday, as many of you have asked where she has been. Her ulcer is still pestering her, but other than that, she's been super busy with work lately. Working 15 hour days, sometimes 7 days a week! I hope she will be able to join us.
I hope you can all make it. I would love to see you all again. It's been too long since we got together. New folks are always welcomed!

Success supposes endeavor. - Jane Austen
Hi Linda,
I'd love to see you all again.....I've been AWOL off the boards because of work mostly, but also it is gardening season and I'm seeing someone too....then of course there is the motorcycle riding (blame that on Angel who I met here on the boards!!!!)
I always work on Saturdays so I can't make the gathering, but give everyone my best!