I guess I'm in!
Yesterday I was sitting at work, pretending to work and my phone rang.
It was OHSU.. they said they want me!
I have my frst appointment on August 10th with the Nurse Practitioner and the dietician.
According to Aetna I need:
1) supervised calorie restricted dieting for 12 weeks,
2) exercise coaching as needed for pulmonary and whatever my poor knees can handle (I have osteopenia. my leg bones are shrinking away at the knees and I'm hitting femor on top of tibia with each step)
3) I also need my psych eval.. but got the number of someone near..
With this all in place I am covered at 100%. I just wish I could start the supervised diet now.. and save a month of waiting.. not sure my knee is gonna last!
- Linda
Good for you Linda! I wasn't covered at 100%, but by the time I got done with all my pre-op testing, I had reached my maximum out of pocket, so I think my surgery will be covered 100% now. At any rate, whatever I have to pay certainly won't be $28,000!!
I hope the rest of the process goes smoothly for you!
Success supposes endeavor. - Jane Austen