Blockage & Meeting Rebecca C
Well, the answer to the vomiting is that I have a blockage in my esophogus, which keeps the food from going through to my little pouch. That explains the uncomfortable feeling that I have been having as well as the vomiting. Yesterday, when describing how my pouch feels to Dr. Deveney, he immediately asked me a few key questions and stood up to say, we need to get you into see Dr. Feinchel to have him stretch that opening into the stomach.
Mom, Al and I had planned a little trip up to Ilwaco Washington, to the Ilwaco Antique Store (a favorite antique store of mine, and also the place where I put some of my vintage jewelry to sell). Thankfully, we had planned that trip, which was now going to be cancelled, because Dr. Deveney felt the surgery should be done the next day. So, this morning, bright and early, Mom, Al and I got ready and made the traffic nightmare back into the city of Portland Oregon, and up the hill to OHSU hospital. We went to short stay in the Upper GI section of Multnomah Pavillion. It was a parking nightmare, and the closer we got to the hospital, the more anxious and nervous I got. By the time we were parked, and out of the car I had a release of emotions. This is common for me to get to moments before an event and start crying. I just needed fresh air, and a short walk. Mom graciously let me use her walker, and she and Al went to park the car.
Unfortunately, I didn't tell them where to meet me, as I just assumed they knew that they had the same information I had. They were a little anxious themselves coming out of the elevator, where I knew they would come from. There I sat, in Mom's walker, waiting for their arrival. I think they were relieved to know that I was right there. Mom was concerned that I was walking too far, and I was concerned that she was walking too far also. However, we were able to find the building, and the short-stay. It would have been much easier if Mom or Al would have done what Kesch does, and just take the instructions out of my hands and read them for themselves. I was nervous, and didn't read the instructions clearly, or we would have known exactly where we were headed! Oh well, we live and learn. I think Mom and I were both glad to be able to set down. My poor husband just follows and trys to act calmly.
It wasn't long before they called me to go to short stay. I walked down by myself, only to hear Al rushing behind me to give me the "orders" that I had left with him, and at the same time I realized that I still had my glasses on, so we exchanged items, and said our goodbyes. I was tired, from a restless nights sleep the night before, and so looked forward to relaxing in one of those surgical beds. The carted me into the surgery room, and I was wide awake. I met the doctor, they put in the IV and I was asleep in moments. I awoke, as if I had just awaken for the first time after a good nights sleep. The nurse told me the proceedure was completed. Dr. Feinchel came in to tell me that the blockage was not cleared, and they would have to try again in a few weeks. He said that there was a little ulcerated area in which we needed to get it healed. So, more information and excitement (so to speak) to come. I will keep you updated! The highlight of my trip is that I got to meet Rebecca C! I was in the waiting room at OHSU Digestive Health Center, and there were two women talking, one looked really familiar and the other only a little familiar. I asked if they posted on Rebecca said yes, and I immediately knew who she was. We chatted briefly, and then they called me back in. It is so great to meet people that I have met here online, but Rebecca was one of my favorite people online, and I grew to look forward to her postings. So, it was very nice to meet her, put a face to her and compare a few notes. I hope that I can soon meet many more of you in person!
Success supposes endeavor. - Jane Austen
Gayla, I just read your post from the 26th. So sorry you have a blockage and ulceration. Not fun I am sure. Hang in there. When do you have to go back for another endoscopy? I hope you are losing weight too, during all this irritating event. Just keep plugging away and soon you will be better.