Getting Excited!!!
The ball has started to roll....
I've registered for the Freedom From Diets Course (@ Kaiser-Sunnyside), had my first appt. w/a mental health counselor (also @ Kaiser) to help determine why I eat like I do, tomorrow I have an appt. with a nutritionist, and the 28th I meet w/my PCP to get the referral into Kaiser's Bariatric Program!!!
I'm getting sooooooooooo excited! Just wanted to share... Have a good day!
I'm not going to be able to make it to this meeting...
I'm throwing a party for my parents' 30th Anniversary @ noon, so I don't think I will be able to make it, but I will definitely be there next month!
I haven't met anyone from the class or anything yet, I've only registered over the phone (and paid my $150).
I will TRY to see if I can make the class this Saturday - at least for a little bit... I would love to be able to go! I was really disappointed when I found out that this month's support group meeting fell on the 23rd.
Oh, well... there's always next time (If I can't make this one)!!