Dr. Umbach's Article About Kim
I just read the article Dr. Umbach wrote for the Springfield Extra insert in the Register-Guard that featured you. Very nice article.
Sorry I missed the barbeque last weekend but I had a nasty virus. Just getting over it now, still coughing away. Luckily my surgery is not until 6/20, so I'll be ready to go by then.
I forgot that was coming out today. My hubby called to tell me that it ran today. We don't get the paper so I went on-line to find it.
Here's a link in case anyone wants to read it. http://www.registerguard.com/news/2007/06/07/spfd.medcol.060 7.p1.php Hope you are feeling better, Shirley. We did miss you this weekend.
Great article! Kim - when is your son having his surgery? He did get the approval, didn't he?
Shirley - I hope you're better soon. I've had another set-back with my back. Can barely move today. I can't help but think this would be a lot easier if I were thinner!
Success supposes endeavor. - Jane Austen
Glad you enjoyed it, Linda. Yes, Andrew did get his approval from the insurance. He's not sure when he is gonna get the surgery though. He is finished with school in October and will have his AS in computers, so probably shortly afterwards I think he'll be ready. Sorry to hear your back isn't doing better. I sure hope it gets better soon.
Nice article, Kim. I printed it off for my files. I will be writing my insurance company in a few months because they fail to see the bennefit of weight loss surgery.
Recently I sat in the cafeteria of the Providence Newberg Hospital. I observed that 78% of all employees (identifiable via an employment badge) in the cafeteria were morbidly obese. I found that very interesting since they are in the health field themselves and know the risks, but as we know, obesity is not just about over eating, over the long term it becomes a disease.
Providence obviously thinks so little of both their insured and their own employees that they will not provide coverage for this disease and yet as the article featuring your success points out, the treatment will reverse co-morbidities such as diabetes, sleep apnea, hypertension and high cholesterol.
You and I have both been lucky enough to have had the surgery. Your insurance covered it and I was fortunate enough to have the funds available to save my own life and because of that BOTH of us are going to LIVE long and healthful lives.
Salud--to the future!!