Too heavy for radiation machines after breast cancer surgery
Hi, here is an update on my dealings with breast cancer.
Today I had my first meeting with the Oncologist who will be giving me radiation treatments after my next breast surgery next Wednesday. After all of the talking she finally asked me how much I weigh and I told her. She said that there is a good chance that I am too heavy for the radiation table that lifts me up to the machine.
****! Here comes the weight again! So I was basically told that I should continue to try to have my wls. and lose more weight and then after 8 weeks post op from the breast surgery we can start radiation. I am still trying to lose the weight, but having a real hard time controlling what I eat due to all of the stress I am having. I know I shouldn't overindulge just seems to happen. I am so frustrated
I could just scream.
I am just venting.

Vent away, our shoulders are specially made for it!!
I am so sorry you are being put through the "added" hell, when you have more important things to concentrate on!!!
I think we all have experience this type of thing at one time or another!
How about trying to squeeze into an MRI hole??? Not fun!!
Good luck & our prayers are with you

So go ahead and scream, and rant and's probably the best thing you can do for yourself right now. In fact, I have to tell you there is a part of me that is even angry for you! Why wouldn't they spend a bit of extra money and build the thing just a tad bit bigger to acomodate people that are bigger! I'm also feeling mad for you because of the darn cancer, and all I can do is just say that I am sorry that your having to go through all of this, and that I pray you will just do fine! Keep the faith...and as everyone else says, you just vent all you want here. I think there are enough of us that we can handle it!
Overindulging doesn't "just happen." You must take an active role in it and also take responsibility for it. Venting is fine. But, like a rocking chair it keeps you busy while not getting you anywhere.
This is part of learning to live a disciplined and responsible lifestyle post weight loss surgery. There is always going to be stress and, if you want to overindulge, any excuse will do.
The net result is that the behaviour continues to your own detriment.
Please, your life depends on getting this in line and continuing your cancer treatments. You, unlike the rest of us, have a much higher price for letting things slip.
I want you to live. I want you to be healthy. I want you to be cancer free and at a normal weight. I want you to have that joy.
But, only you can make the decisions and actions it takes to get there. Count on me to cheer you on!
JIB, 1986
Reversal/Revision 2004
"Everything that elevates an individual above the herd and intimidates the neighbour is henceforth called evil; and the fair, modest, submissive and conforming mentality, the mediocrity of desires attains moral designations and honors"
- Nietzsche