Just beginning..............
Just beginning this journey. I have scheduled my appointment to attend a seminar later this week. I know next to nothing, other than I am considered extremely overweight and need to loose. This is my decision, as I know, I have to be the only person that is motivated for this to happen.
I did find out that my surgery is covered by my insurance, but haven't been able to find out the details on that. But, am sure it will all work out.
I am thrilled at the prospect, but also extremely scared. Not sure.......I know there are exciting changes ahead, but.....the unknown is also pretty scary.
Words of advice and encouragement will be greatly appreciated! :-p
Welcome to the forum. I have not had surgery yet (scheduled for 6/20/07), but there are many members here who have been through it and are a great support system.
I see you live in Springfield - me too. We have a group from this area that gets together once a month. I can't tell you how helpful that has been for me. It is a great group of people and they are willing to answer any questions you come up with. We just met the Saturday before last, so the May get-together is about 3 wks away ye****ch the forum for the posts on the date, time & location of the meeting and please join us.
In the meanwhile, fire away with the questions - someone will have an answer for you and will post.
Brandon, Great to have you join us. As Shirley said, we try to be helpful and encouraging. I think you will find the theme of this or any weight loss forum, is that most of us would do it again in a second! I know I am very pleased to have finally come to grips with my weight issue and do the most positive thing to get my life back It certainly has been well worth it all. Good luck in your journey. Julia
Welcome to the forum as Shirjey and Julia said any questions you have just post them. Someone will help you I'm sure.
I like Shirley , who a good friend of mine, and I have surgery scheduled for June 6th.
One suggestion I would like to make, is get a small note book and keep a journal of your progress. Also you can write down any questions you have for the nutritionist, nurse practioner and surgeon. That way if you think of it now and are like me you will forget it in a few minutes.
Another thing that I found very helpful was a book "Weight Loss for Dummies", I found my copy at Barnes and Noble, in Eugene.
If you have any more questions for me you can email me from my profile
Good luck.
I went to that same seminar a few months ago....twice. Once with my Dad, once with my Mom. I cant wait to have surgery...but i have no insurance thru my employer. I have about 200 pounds to lose. Hang in there and if you have any questions just ask. Also, if you need help making a profile i can help you with that too. Good luck with your decision, Jenni
Welcome Brandon! Where will you be having your surgery? In Eugene, or do you need to go to Portland? Many of us have had to make the journey up the freeway. I'll be having RNY at OHSU on July 24th. Seems a long way off, but at least I know the date now. Keep an eye open on this forum for news of our monthly meetings. They are lots of fun and it's great to talk with folks who have had surgery and are planning surgery soon.
I am beginning to think that my surgery won't be in Eugene afterall. I talked briefly with a gal at work *****cently had surgery. She elected to have hers in Eugene, but she was fortunate enough to have secondary insurance. Iam not so fortunate, so looks as though I will be making the trips up the highway. I hate driving.....and the Portland freeways scare the living daylights out of me.
I mentioned earlier that I go to a seminar Thursday, then am still awaiting my packet of info from my insurance company. Once I know for certain, who can do the surgery, I will call and get the process started. If I do have to do to Portland, I am hoping that I can count attending the seminar in Eugene. I will have the necessary information.....
I am thrilled at the prospect of having WLS, but am finding that I am eating everything is sight. Is that NORMAL?