I guess I should be happy
Sorry your date is not sooner Linda, but congratulations on getting a date.
Earlier this week I got some bad news about my surgery date. I was scheduled for June 8th and Terra called to say she was just told that Dr. Deveney was going on vacation in early June and my surgery had to be rescheduled. I now have a date of June 20th -- it is only 12 more days to wait, but it was disappointing to be postponed.
We just have to hang in there.
Linda, First off congrad's on your date! I have my surgery scheduled on the 29th of June and because I want to keep myself positive about the wait, I have made a calendar to help me count down. Every night I mark one day off and tell myself that I have this many days until my new life and my new me! This probably doesn't work for everyone, but I really like to feel that the goal is in sight. Hope you find something that will help.