Breakfast with WLSers!
I had such a wonderful time, as I always do.
I was thinking the same thing a BBQ or a picnic pot luck somewhere. LOL we are all on the same track.
I always walk away from our breakfast feeling full (not with food) but just companionship and information.
Tee I am being a good girl! and I have made a commitment to walk each day. My husband promised that we will not even turn on the TV until 8 pm. There is never anything on anyway and for some reason we sit our keesters down to relax and never get them back up.
As always you are a breath of fresh air and I appreciate your friendship in all areas especially with regards to Jen. I am so worried about her and honestly you are the only person in my life that knows this stuff. She and I talked a little bit that afternoon about looking at WLS. She called me today because she was trying to text me and couldent spell. she was just sobbing with frustration.
I encouraged her to call the Dr again and her counsler I really think the worst condition she has right now is depression. It keeps her from dealing with all the other condtions. talking to you helps me process. thank you
Trish sweety you look so good and I am proud of you.
To all the rest of you that were acrost the table. Thanks for your friendship and support. I am blessed to know each of you
Kelly - I am thinking about you and your kid and hoping for a turn in the right direction. She has great support with you two in her corner.
If it's any consolation....I can't spell my way out of a paper bag. I enjoy writing, but honestly - I've been stuck on some of the same words since grade school. I know it's a glitch that I've passed on to my gifted, highly intelligent son. His neuro-phsychologist told me it is often genetic. It's helped that we are both so bad. He's always known from me that it is not reflective of how smart you are. Of course the computer has saved his ass. I am a huge techno-phobe. My computer used to fix my spelling as I went, but currently it only highlights that it's wrong. Of course a first grader would do spell check for options (or change the setting back to the old set-up), but I just shout out to whoever is home "how do you spell..." or if I'm alone look it up in the dictionary. I should wear a sign "OLD DOG"! My kids keep saying "mom you need to learn how to do spell check". Just last night when I sent the above message I must have asked my husband about five words. I said "do you see any pattern to the words I am asking you?". He said "no". Of all things I used to be an executive secretary! Looking back I realize I really had to compensate to not make a fool of myself. That was pre word processor. I had my boyfriend on speed dial. He would answer and I would just say a word and he would just spell it (quick my boss is coming!). That would be my now husband John! I figure we all are good at some things. I can't spell or figure out technology, but I can really wallpaper!
It was good to see you all!!!
I am with you. Thank god for my understanding bosses that appreciate although I suck at writing I am great at other things. The will proof my stuff anytime
Jen on the other hand has always been a great speller but I think between the perssure in her head and her depression she just doesnt thing clearly and it frustrates her.
She did call the dr yesterday and is suppose to call back today to see if they can get her in.
thanks sweety