Dr Deveney - May 23rd
HI - First of all, I feel a lot of anxiety with the May 23rd Date. Secondly, I don't have a lot of people to talk to about this surgery. Everyone I know is fairly healthy looking, and most have the attitude that I should be able to lose the weight without the surgery. I wished I could - but at this point I struggle walking - so exercise is nearly out of the question - althought I am making myself more often and for longer periods of time. My knees and hips hurt most of the time. I currently weigh almost 320 lbs and am 5'2". I am 55 years old. I am starting to feel scared of the surgery - but looking forward to the results of the surgery.
I am on a 1200 Cal low fat/high protien diet and have been for a while. I have found the protien powder that I am going to use - it is a Whey - it's made by EAS and I get it at Costco.
Dr. Deveney at OHSU is going to do the surgery. I would love to hear from some of you about him. I just get nervous when I read that people from Portland are going to Coos Bay to have surgery. I am in Eugene, and am going to Portland, because the Eugene docs aren't certified, and it's part of my insurance requirements. So, please, I really could use the support. Any imput is very much appreciated!
Gayla, I was 57 years old when I had my surgery one year ago. I am 5'4" and weighed 321. I have lost 135.6 pounds and can't believe the difference. Hang in there. It may be the only chance you have of losing weight and the important part, keeping it off. All of us are aware that people who have never been overweight will never understand the issues and difficulty we have just living day to day or the truth about how hard it is to lose the weight. Maybe their attitude of being able to lose weight without surgery is ignorance on their part or just arrogance. Stay here on-line and talk with those of us who know what it is like. Please come to our Eugene get together when we decide where to meet next. Julia
Hi Gayla, I am going to Portland also for my rny,I'm just waiting for a call from Lagacy. I have the H. Pylorie Bacteria in my stomach and have had to take meds 2 times and still have it ,so I start a stronger med today. This is delaying the call from the surgeon for me. Darn. I am 67 and feel a little anxous also ,however this site and the great people on here are so supportive and nice like Julia. So hang in there and I hope the best for you . Jo Ann
I had Duodenal switch surgery with Dr. Deveny Mar. 30th and he's very nice, calm and can be funny. I trusted him and his reputation after 2 years of research into which type of surgery was best for me and which surgeon / center was best. I would have preferred Reedsport Dr. Ken Welker as he has most experience with my type surgery but ins. didn't cover him either. Anyway all is well! I was in your shoes and a worry wart....just keep reading these posts and reassure yourself. Attend the bariatric surgey lectures in Eugene- Dr. Welker gives one at Amazon community ctr. (it's listed in newspaper) and Sacred Heart or Eugene baritric has one also. You can meet w/ ones who are long post op or early post op or in your place! It is good place to start and get answers and reassurance.
Hi Gayla, My name is KathyS, and i know just what you are going thru. I was the same way. I weighed close to 300pounds and my knees and my back were killing me. Every little movement made me pant out of breath, and i felt horrible. Im on C-pap at night to breathe. I would quit breathing at night at different times. which i still do. Ive lost 56 pounds so far. I had a Rou anY , the 26th of January2007. And i dont regret it. I had tried every diet known to man, i dont know how many times and failed. My husband kept saying to me, you dont surgery, you just need to quit eating so much, which i swore up and down, he didnt know what he was talking about, regarding me.
I know what you mean, about certain people saying, you can do it , just dont eat so much! Easy for them to say. I was very nervous and scared before the surgery. I had my surgery up in Portland, Oregon , at Good Samaritan Hospital. Dr. Jay Jan was and is my surgeon. He has been wonderful! And everyone is so nice up there. But, you know, if i had it to do over again, i would. I feel this surgery has given me a second chance at life. Unfortunenately, It wont heal my knee joints, just relieve the pressure on them. Ive had two knee surgeries , one surgery on each knee, and a foot surgery, within the past four or five years. Ive also had asthma, which after having the surgery and losing some weight, i dont seem bothered by it anymore. Im still taking blood pressure medicine, which i hope to get off of , soon. I hear you about not being able to get out and walk much. My lower back and knees are so bad, im not able to. If i can be of any help, please let me know, ok? Good Luck to you! KathyS
Hi Gayla,
Welcome to the forum! Dr. Deveney did my RNY on April 4. He did a great job-I've had no complications and am feeling great. I got wonderful care at OHSU, and was kept very comfortable. His nurse, Vicki, is a treasure. She's really the one who will have the most contact with you. Best of luck!
Although I had my surgery with Legacy, I know you're in good hands at OHSU. I've had a couple of unrelated surgeries there. You have nothing to be overly concerned about (heck, if this were an absolute emergency, you might end up there for surgery without being able to give consent -- not that I'd hope that would happen).
You'll do great!
Dear Gayla,
Well, you have come to the right place!! You will find several people here who have had Dr. Deveney as their surgeon and all speak very highly of him.
I had Dr. Robert Read in Corvallis do my surgery and I too was very pleased with the Bariatric program at Good Sam. I think that in looking for a good Dr. one must also look for a good follow-up program and one that you can attend. It is also good to know that you have a LARGE support group made up of people from this board down there in Eugene!! So you will have lots of people all along the way to support you.
I too went this alone....all along the way and I must say that it made a huge difference having people from this board as well as the main board who helped me through. I've made some wonderful friends throughout the US because of this surgery.
So please know that if you ever need any of us we are a phone call away--or a key stroke!
I had my RNY on 2/2/05. I lost 151 lbs and just last Friday had the first of two stages of reconstructive surgery for removal of excess skin. I did this to save my life and I've accomplished that and so much more. This surgery is the best thing I have ever done for myself!
Good luck in your endever!