What should I do while I wait?
What should I do while I wait ? I know you have probly said it a
million times so if someone would like to direct me to an old post or
something like that , that would be great as you know I am in the midst
of WLS hopefully so far LOL
I am taking the 12 week class and was
wondering what can I be doing in the time between? I have lost 10
pounds which 10% of your body weight is required I am told so only 24
more to go LOL, I am really trying hard to do that.
Is there any supplementation I should be on to get my body ready? Would it help to
prep it and how else so? I probly sound like a kid I sure feel like one
with all I have to learn over agian. Please feel free to give me tips
on products and ones that wont brake the bank would be great I love
thrifty shopping
Thank you all for your paitence.......Regina

What surgery are you having and where? Are you currently taking any type of multivitamin? You should probably be doing that now. You could also try a variety of protein drinks right now (Wild Oats has some in individual packets that you could buy and sample).
I encourage people who are getting the lap band to start eating like a bandster and not drinking for 30 to 60 minutes after eating.
And follow the instructions you are getting.
I haven't had the surgery yet, but I can tell you what I have been doing in the past 9 months while waiting. First - tons of research - looking up everything I could find out - both positive and negative so that I was certain that I was making a well informed decision on this life changing and sometimes controversial surgery.
Secondly, I have been in "practice" - making sure, first, to slow down my eating, and chewing my food to "pulverize" it in my mouth before swollowing. I have also been spending tons of time on OH.com to learn how other people have coped with their WLS. I've also practiced eating healthier food - getting all of the "bad food" out of my house and experimenting with different protien drinks as well.
I've just been practicing...all of the good techniques that I have learned from the seminars I have gone to. It's also been very helpful to post on this site. Good luck with your surgery!
Here's my advice to you.
Get into a healthy eating mode now. Get your family used to not having junk in the house. (Make them go get a small amount if they have to have it but, this is a change everyone really should make, regardless of weight)
Learn to cook healthy meals. Take a cooking class for this. Check with your local heart association for classses or the local community college.
If you smoke, STOP. If anyone in your house smokes, do not allow yourself to be exposed to it. Clean out the house so there is no residual smoke in your household.
WALK. Every day. Add a little more each day.
Take a water arobics class. Anything you can do to make your heart stronger and healthier prior to surgery will benefit you as you recover and beyond.
Okay, the reason: your lungs and respiratory system and the anesthetic. Your lungs need to be as healthy as possible before surgery, as does the rest of you.
Cut out all alcohol. The reason: your liver. Fat in the liver is also hazardous to the obese person and damage that has occurred as a result may be reduced. Alcohol also depletes vitamin B-12 and K. Post surgery, these will need to be supplemented anyway, so get "in shape" now.
Controversial advice (fair warning) Start to live your life with food as a detail instead of the main focus. So called "last meals" actually can put your health at risk.
So, overall.....learn to live as a healthier person NOW. There are very important benefits for doing so.