Eating Bread
Im into my 10th week and i tried eating a half sandwich of deli thin turkey breast with low cal mayo and mustard on a whole wheat bread. It doesnt seem to agree real well with me. I told my dr about it and he said it sounds like the bread. He told me, some people can tolerate bread and some cant. Has anyone else had this problem in this stage with bread? Help! KathyS
I am almost 8 months out and still cannot eat a whole slice of bread in 1 sitting. Every once in awhile, I can sit and eat about 1/3 of a small subway or quizno sandwich.. I usually don't even get to the other 2 pieces, I have twins who are almost 1 yr old, My son sam sat and ate the meat out of some the other day lol. It took me 6 months to finally eat my 1st hamburger.
I am 5 months out and can tolerate a small quantity of bread. Sliced bread, not a hoagie roll or anything. I couldn't eat it for a long time, but over time I'm continuing to test and it seems I am able to tolerate it more. I tried a soft pretzel at the movies and was in pain the rest of the afternoon. I also still cannot do bagels. DARN! I also cannot tolerate much in the way of potatoes for the same reason. Oh, and more than 3 tablespoons of rice does the same thing to me. But it's getting better! Just give it time and try again in another month. I know at 10 weeks I couldn't do any starches like that.
I am 10 months out and I still have a hard time with bread. It's kinda hit and miss with me. I can eat tortillas however, so when I go to Subway or Arby's I order a wrap and I seem to do okay with those. Also, the McDonald's grilled snack wrap goes down okay too, I just order it without sauce and use my own dressing, because I like the Kraft zesty "free" italian dressing, just a preference for me. I find I can handle the coarser breads better than the soft white breads, and in small amounts, usually toasted. I can't handle the thick breads (hoagie rolls, sub breads, french bread, etc) at all, maybe I just eat too much because they are so much thicker, I don't know. Don't be discouraged, just wait awhile and try again, it's different for everyone. Good luck on your journey, if you're feeling ready to experiment at 10 weeks, you're doing great!
Hi Vikky, Thanks so much for the input! Appreciate it. ya, Maybe i just get a little brave at certain times. one time, i even, stupidly, went and thought id try a beef and bean burrito. took one bite and that was the last bite for me, didnt work too well. threw the rest away.wont try that again for awhile. I will be 11wks starting tomorrow. My Dr told me to try some other foods, but i dont know, seems like what i try doesnt seem to work so far. So, i made me some lemon jello. but thats liquid, i feel i need to try more soft textured normal foods like it says on the papers i have, for as far along as i am. Any ideas?? sure would be appreciated. KathyS
The first bread I tried to eat at about 5 to 6 weeks out, made me so sick and after writhing on the bed for an hour I finally
and still didn't feel good. My pouch was so irritated for a couple of days, I decided I could live without bread. I have eaten a small amount of cornbread on occasion, with chilli and had no problems but I don't plan on increasing my carbs with bread too much. Now if my Grandmother were still alive and making her famous rolls, I might surcumb to those yummy things. I have her little wooden bowl she mixed them in but it just won't work for me like it did for her!!

Thanks so much, Julia, for the info. I will be starting my 11th week tomorrow. My dr. told me to try some more different foods. Im feeling kinda skittish about doing it tho. Because it seems like what few things ive tried so far, my stomach doesnt tolerate it.
So, what do i do? Any ideas for new foods to try would be greatly appreciated?
I need a list. lol. My papers say its time for some more normal soft textured foods.
I could sure use the input from anyone. KathyS
I'm the girl who never found anything to not tolerate. Still, in those early days I did behave as though I might not tolerate. I ate a lot of things on crackers for lunch. Made any kind of things I wanted on sandwiches, but on crackers. Also the Veggie De-lite pizza at Pappa Murphy (add onions) was great. The crust is so thin and crisp if you cook it long enough and was a cross between bread and cracker.