I thought I'm not supposed to be hungry?
I had my surgery on Wed. the 4th. Got home on the 6th. I had a complication of a leak while still in surgery, so they fixed it. No other complications. I do have a few questions.
I feel like I'm hungry sometimes or it's as if my stomach is growling. Am I hungry or is that just head hunger? I think I'm not getting in all my water. Supposed to be getting in 2 liters a day. I'm getting about half that. I am getting all my protein. Bu****er and protein is all I've had as I can't go to soft foods until two weeks. I already feel like it's been forever since I've been able to eat.LOL. When did you have a BM after surgery? I haven't had one. Is this normal? Oh, and I've never had surgery before so I was surprised at how I felt like I'd been hit by a truck afterwards and for the next several days....I know there are several of you out there that had surgery the same day as I did or a day earlier. How are you guys doing? Also thanks for all the well wishes on my surgery page. Can't wait to meet every one. Diane
Hi Diane,
I would think that you are having head hunger. We (our heads) think that because we havent "eaten" in days that we are starving. I struggled (and honestly still struggle) with getting in my water every day. I have heard that some dr.'s say that if you think you are hungry drink first and then see if you are still hungry... but I still think that this early in the game it is probably your disruption in your eating routine and head hunger. Keep up the good work and drink drink and drink some more and you should do fine.
As far as the BM goes it seems as if most people struggle with either too my BM's or not enough. I like you took a while. Not sure exactly but it seemed like it was about a week and even then it was a very small amount (sorry if its TMI) but if you think about what your body is taking in, such a little amount, there is nothing to put to waste so it should be okay as long as you are not in pain.
I remember feeling like I wa**** by a truck also but that faded fast and I was shocked at how good I felt so soon after such major surgery. I am glad that things seem to be going well for you...
Take Care
Hi Diane, I live here in Eugene, and I am waiting for the surgeon to call they said it would take about 2 or 3 weeks for them to pass my paper work to the surgeons office. I have not heard from anyone since I had my weight verification faxed in. Did they give you a choice on who you could have do the sugery? I am going to have mine done at Lagacy also. I will be having the rny. We should get together sometime . Good luck on your WL . Now all you have to do is get on that horse and ride.
Jo Ann

JoAnn they did give me a choice of which of the three surgeons at Good Samaritan I wanted. I picked Emma Patterson because I had heard a lot of good things about her. I think she's great. I know all the waiting gets frustrating. I'm trying to figure out where your at in the process. Have you lost the 5% and are waiting for the surgeons office to call? I'm pretty sure I just had to wait a week before the surgeon's office called me for an appointment. Diane
Diane & JoAnn - I too am from the Eugene Area. Are there any good support groups around here? I am going to have my surgery up in Portland also...only I am going to OHSU. I'd like to get together if you want to. You can contact me through my website or here if you want.
Hi Diane,
I also had my surgery on the 4th, luckily with no complications. I had my first BM on the 8th, and it was painful and hard. Now I'm going maybe too frequently-sorry for the TMI. I know what you mean about the hunger-I'm still obsessing on food just like before, or maybe even more so. I would kill for a cheeseburger right now!
It's such a chore to get all those pills and supplements in-I never thought I would say that! It turns out that I hate the protein powder I bought (Unjury) so I'm eating tons of cottage cheese and soup. My taste has definitely changed and suddenly I'm picky. I am finding that I don't really like the taste of artificial sweetener, so the flavored yogurts don't taste very good, either. I've noticed that if I eat something a little more solid, such as cream of wheat or pureed hearty soup like bean with bacon or beef vegetable, I get that full feeling for quite a while. Also, I'm being very diligent about drinking water, because the nurse at OHSU told me the two main things they see RNY patients back in the hospital for are dehydration and malnutrition. So, maybe if you really push the water and eat a little something every time you feel hungry without worrying about calories, you'll feel better.

Lisa, good to know I'm not the only one obsessing on food. I've been thinking about food so much I almost got out my food magazines just to look at them for when I can eat!LOL
I so far have only had water, protein drink and soup. I wish I could have cream of wheat and heck I'd even eat cottage cheese which I hate! Diane
I totally understand about obsessing about food! All I did for months after surgery was watch the cooking channel! And I cooked up a storm, too! Just couldn't eat it myself. As my eating got back to a bit more normal, I lost the obsession. I did experience real hunger, almost right from the start, and if I ignored it, boy the next time I ate, my tummy wasn't happy. At first ( after a week on liquids), I would eat a little something every two hours to keep my tummy happy. My surgeon only required a week on liquids, then we could eat whatever we could tolerate.
We are all different, it is possible for you to be experiencing real hunger. But, If I were you, I would stick to your surgeons plan. Our new little tummies need time to heal.
I am almost 8 weeks out from surgery and I remember the growling. I asked my Dr if my stomich that they disconnected could be growling because I swear that what was going on. I felt it was not my pouch but the old stomich complaining,, It went away after about a week or so. now BM I took several days and the first time was hard and painful but after that it was very loose for a few weeks,, then went back and forth,,, I still have a normal movement in the Am and then about 30 mins lator a loose one,,,
the Iron supliments seem to help now though.
Remember to be kind to yourself and rest. We all felt like crap the first weeks but it does get better each day. some days you will feel like you hit a wall tired of pain or not being able to do things on your own. I remember struggling with normal things like wipping after a BM really ******g me off. not being able to wash myself in the shower. ( the shower head that detaches and the reclyner was my best best friend. It was 3 weeks before I felt like I could lay in my own bed.
now eating I was so frustrated and wanted food so badly. I understand what you say about that. I found that the chocolate and vanilla proteen powder mixed really good in instant sugar fee pudding, I to dont like the sugar replacement taste but pudding was not to bad. i loved split pea soup that I blended with extra milk that was good,, and same thing with clam chowder ( dont forget to put it thru the sive)
apple sauce
chicken noodle soup strained
oh I went to the typhoon resturant and ordered pineapple curry with chicken and bleanded it and strained it,,,mmmmmmmmmmm I love curry
tomatoe soup is ok but my pouch dosent like tomatoe sauce any more
at 2 weeks things will change alot so be patient I promise it will be here soon