I have noticed no full feeling
Ok ever sence the streach I am feeling so much better. I have noticed though that I do not get a full feeling. Now when my opening was to small I felt pain and stoped eating but now I dont get the feeling I am full, and sometimes I end up feeling discomfert after the fact because I imagine I am eating to much.
did anyone else deal with this? I am so scared to be unsugsessful

My "full" feeling never seemed to kick in until I ate too much too. After I overate a couple of times though, I got better at gauging portion sizes. I tend to eat less at first, then wait 20 minutes or so and see who I'm doing, before I attempt to finish what I thought was an ok amount. I haven't had the discomfort since I started doing this. Part of the trouble for me was getting used to leaving food behind, because I had been taught to always clean my plate. I still find myself heaping up my plate with more than I can eat, though. But I just leave it. And stop when it looks like I've had about 4-5 oz.
I too never really feel full. In the beginning I too overate because I didnt know when to stop. After a couple of times making myself sick I quickly learned what it now "feels" like to be full. It is such a learning process but you will get there. Just be patient and take it slow.
PS..as a lifetime overeater I sometimes miss that full feeling but I know I can NEVER get there or then I will be in trouble!
I especially can't rely on feeling full anymore to stop - I think it gets weaker as time goes on. BUT....the good thing is that as Kim said, I do recognized the feeling of "I'm probably getting full". When I feel yuck because I ate too much, it isn't because I was unaware that I was a few bites away from that consequence. When I'm grooving on something yummy, I don't ask myself "am I full"..It's more that one or two bites warn that I need to wrap it up and move on to something else at the event. It is scary to learn you are actually in charge of this, but it is a fairly simple set of questions and feelings that guide you to a successful eating routine.