Just wanted to wish each of you a happy easter. I am actually cooking a very large meal and really dont have all that many people comming over so guess I will have lost of left overs this year. Kids are not with me until late so we will eat late good thing though as I have had to taste to much so wont be hungry for a lonnnnng time
Bless you all

Happy Easter to you too!!!
I am fairly safe now.....one daughter's bunny is 3/4 gone, and the other has only bitten off her ears, but they are milk chocolate and so therefore, are safe from me. Now if they were dark chocolate I might be thinking of reasons to put away laundry in their rooms. Ahh... the days before I knew I could tolerate sugar!!! We had fun watching my teenage girls revert to being about early grade school age when they were out in the yard hunting eggs. As my husband pays for the things that go into Easter baskets for older kids, he grumbles once again "when are they going to be old enough to stop doing this?!". Never- get over it!!! It was a nice quite day. We didn't get out of our lounging clothes and were free to fall asleep reading or munching on our basket goodies.
We cooked a very yummy dinner of pork roast and spring asparagus.
I am looking forward to getting back on the water drinking, protein eating wagon this week!