Eugene/Springfield Support group meeting on 4/29/2007
Ladies and gentlemen,
I am sorry to inform you that I am going to have to cancel our get together that we planned for Sunday, 4/29. I am moving out of our apartment complex and into a home we are purchasing that following weekend and so I have to work the weekend of 4/28 and 4/29 and also the weekend before that.
Also, unfortunately we are going to have to find another place to meet every month as I won't have access to the rec center here at my complex anymore. I am open to ideas/suggestions if anyone has anything to offer.
Sorry about this but my home is not large enough for this ever expanding group of friends. If anyone has a large house and would like to host the get togethers, we could do something like that as well.
Hope everyone has a good weekend.
Well Kim, that was a really cool place to meet, but your having your own house is even cooler!
I also have a large back yard, so maybe we can meet here in the summer also. My house is pretty tiny though, so I couldn't hold everyone here. If worse came to worse, I do work at the UO and our department has a conference room that holds about 18 people. Only problems would be making sure folks could get in the building on a Saturday and of course, the nightmare parking around the UO!
Any other ideas folks?

I think that we should have a get together anyway.....some location (even a restaurant again)........some the most important thing about these get togethers are:: talking & learning about how to deal with our new bodies/food.
I would hate to miss a month, just because we don't have a LARGE & AWESOME meeting place.
Anyone know of a restaurant with a large round table?
Last month, the number of people that attended, could easily sit around a large round table.
All my Saturdays & Sundays are "open" at this about everyone else???