Home from surgery
Hi everyone, I got home late last night. Surgery was Tuesday morning. Surgery itself went well, but I had complications from the morphine and was in ICU for a while. Fortunuately for me I don't remember any of it, but my mom said it was pretty scary. The drs. were great, and everyone took good care of me. THey were worried about some brain damage so I had to take some tests and wait for an MRI, which is why I didn't get out till last night. But they think everything is ok. I will update once I'm feeling better.
Just wanted to stop in and thank everyone for their support.
Thanks Julia! I'm still kind of confused about it myself, so I will have to get more information. I think it was officially an overdose on the morphine, from the PCA, but I thought that couldn't happen, but apparantely it did. One of the nurses said it could have been a combination of too much and then a bad reaction. I'll definitely fill you in when I know more. I'm just so glad to be home now.
Thanks again,
Hi "Sally"!
I'm so glad you're home and now on you're way to recovery. My husband and I were just talking about you Wednesday night because I remembered from talking to you at the meeting in February that you had surgery early April but couldn't remember the exact date. I'm sorry you had that scary complication...but it sounds like everything checked out okay.
It would be great to see you at the Salem meeting this month...that is if you're up to it by then.
Hope everything from here on out goes smoothly for you.