Luckily, I don't mean I am having stinky gas! Early on I had some reactions to sugar that could clear a room. At this point I would say I don't have any more and actually less than the rest of my family. Thinking of my family....I guess that isn't saying much!
My daughter is having really bad monthly cramps. Her doctor suggested that we add fish oil supplements. Connection I have no idea, but I didn't want to go back in without saying we had at least given them a try. Of course my daughter HATES fish and said "EWWWW! No way". He said some are better than others, so I went to GNC to get perhaps a better brand. The guy suggested "deoderized" so as to not have the burping taste. I also got GNC Women's Ultra Mega, figuring I should get both my teenagers on a good multi.
Ava and I opened the bottles. The fish Body Oil pills smelled horrible!!! I couldn't ask a kid to even hold one let alone put it in her mouth. Then we opened the multi. That one smelled worse!! I really felt a gag coming on, but I did put my nose up to the bottle. Well for now I threatened that she had better at least take a Centrum every day and that I will take these. You know - I have to at least act like the grown up. I can't possibly open the cap again. They weren't cheap, but they are opened now, and who knows where the receipt is. If anyone wants them I will bring them to the next breakfast.
I know there are so many vitamins out there, but I have to say I have no reason to want to switch. I take a Centrum each night and two Calcium-D pills in the morning. That's no more than any non by-pass person would do. And they aren't gross to me. I just got extensive labs and a bone scan. Everything came back perfect and healthy. In addition good cholesterol, sugar normal, blood pressure normal. Not bragging but we on this sight know that these results are a big deal!! The clothes are great, but that physical is the true magic of having the surgery!
Patty you should be a writer, I love to read your posts. I think that is a big deal I worry about future and taking all these pills every day worrying about not takeing the B with the Iron bla bla bla and when will i get weary of all this and stop. I have always taken multi vitimans and calcium because i think we all should. but adding 4 more pills a day sucks, now dont get me wrong I knew what I was getting my self in to but I think you proubly know what I mean. I think it is wonderful that everything came out perfect.
you are truly an inspiration to me and you have been thru this whole process.
I am down to 268 now, not as much as I thought I would be by this point but I guess I have to take it,
Today is the first day anyone that didn't know I had the surgery has noticed that I have lost weight, I had to hold on to my waste band of my pants today, I have not worn them all winter as they are peddle pushers. guess I need to get out the sewing machine and take in the waste a bit.
not ready to go shopping yet, I hate shopping anyway but just dont want to spend alot of money until I have to, and I want to buy a much smaller size not just one size down, I honestly thought 30 lbs would look like a lot more than it does.
I sound like I am complaining I honestly am not just a little suprised how different it is than I imagined.
how is the house selling going?