What can I eat?
hey deb,,
I am eating just about anything I want at this point and have been sence a few days after the endoscope.
every dr is different but the best thing for me is chicken. chew it really good so its mush before you swallow
baked potatoe
steamed vegies very soft
i just cant do beef yet
I went to red lobster with my husband last night we ordered the shrimp trio and shared it was really good even though we both ate off one plate we still broght some home
I have done good with bagels and cream cheese but for some reason cant do much other breads that is weard huh!
ohhh yea marie calander pot pie,, LOL that was good
I have been mixing a scoop of my chocolate or vinalla proteen powder with the sugar free pudding and its really good and gets more proteen in
no remember most of these things I can only eat a small amount but I have been trying things one at a time and just a few bites at first to see how it will settle
I made bananna bread the other night and it was not a good thing for me even just a few bites
I think my body just isnt working the sugar thing well,
I used to use the sugar free hazel nut creamer in my half cup of coffee and I just had the worst direa ,,, I started using little sugar and milk ,,, and pretty much no more direa,,, well some morning but not alll mornings like it was
what do you feel like eating?
oh halibut has been good for me to that is what I am making tonight
I understand Debra, I am only 10 days out and already tired of the meal plan. I had my surgery in Eugene. We are suppose to stick to yogurt, protien shakes, cottage cheese, pudding, jello, broths, things like that for two weeks. What does your doctor have you eating for the first two weeks? I would think at 6 weeks you can eat anything that your "new stomach" can tolerate.
It seems to have changed since I had surgery. I haven't seen the lists but they seemed to have made the stages longer. At three weeks I was cleared to try anything. I kept away from sugar and fried things, but otherwise I felt free to experiment. I remember wanting something savory, zesty, spicy, after all those sweet protein shakes!!
Oh I am with you on this one!!! Everthing starts to taste sweet after a few days-I can't stand tomatoe soup anymore it tastes like sugar yuckiness!!
I had luck with mashed potatos. I was allowed to have pureed meats and one of the gals suggested that instead of blending it that I should just chew it really, really well and that worked perfectly for me. I was also allowed to have cooked fruits and adding a little canned pear to my cottage cheese really helped.
Good luck.