All paperwork in (I think)!
Hi Linda! Thanks for replying. I only have medicare, which will pay 80%. I just found out that OHSU didn't get my medical records, although my doctor's office says they were mailed over two weeks ago. So today I had them copied again and I am going to hand deliver them later this week. You mentioned Freddie is in Alaska-what does he do up there? My husband fishes there in the summer only. I will probably have to wait til the end of July to have my surgery, when he returns. I am doing an Alaska cruise with my mom on July 1, and don't want to be in the recovery (liquid or soft food) stage when I go on the cruise. I also went to a lap band support group in Kelso, WA at the Red Lobster on Tuesday night, and that was eye opening! I got so much good information and was amazed to watch all the participants eat! It was just mind boggling to see all the food that got put into to-go boxes, and not in their mouths.