PS Scheduled at OHSU for Friday the 13th!
Hi Patty,
I will be in over night at OHSU on Friday the 13th until Saturday sometime. My friend who is a nurse is going to stay with me the first couple of nights--to make sure I don't go dancing, I'm sure!! LOL and there are several of my friends who have volunteered to go on "Latte runs" for me as well. I'm REALLY hoping I don't need any more than that as I hate inconveniencing anyone....
This is the first of 2 surgeries....This one is for the core, the next one is for the extremities and repair any "dog ears" that may result from this one. Yes, I'm both excited and a bit nervous--but definately more excited than anything.
We are all going to have to get together in early May....Tee is back from Hawaii and we haven't seen her new look either. At support group this coming month it will be my time for show and tell (all us girls go into the bathroom after group and show off our PS's handiwork. It was actually instrumental in making the decision to proceed and with whom for me....LOL).
Thanks for the offer of help. If everyone books on me you might be getting a call.