got streached
Well I went in today and had my Endo done. as you all told me it was just fine. dont remember a thing. Dr jan and husband got to joke around me and I have no clue what happened. he said he did have to streach the opening but didnt feel he would have to streach it again ,, that is good news. I feel just fine , Have to be on liquids for a few days but that is nothing right we have done this before. I cant belive how much better even the liquids feel.
thanks for all the good vibes and prayers I appreciate all you support
Yes, I too am back on liquids and I hate it. I still keep getting that pain and instead of in the front, I have it in my back about every 3rd or 4th drink. Sometimes it is so bad I vomit. It feels like horrible pressure. I hope it goes away soon, I tried to call Dr. Hong today, but the answering service said they are closed and I don't want to bother him.
Gee whiz I didn't know you were going to have that done. Of course I have been a bit AWOL with spring break going on. I understand that when that needs to be done it is pretty much an instant fix - so hope it is making things feel much better.
I can't wait to see you now that you are up and running!
There you are patty. I have missed you. I figured it was either spring break or selling the house. How is that going anyway?
I am feeling so much better before I couldent get 3 swallows of fluids down without feeling like throwing up. let alone food. today of corse I am on liquids but that goes down so much better and no burning. Whew!!! the last week was rough. well the scale said 269 today so it is still coming down. or off sure wi**** was comming off faster but everyone else says that to. I got out the old clothes and I am not quite there yet but what I have is getting loose.
I miss you we need to have breakfast soon