Protien Powders
I am just tried my first protien powder, but am wondering who uses what. I would like to know the different types of protien powder that everone is using out there. I am pre-surgery, and am just working on trying to get to the point where I am prepared for the surgery (I've jumped all the hoops, now just waiting for OHSU to call me and schedule for me to see the doctors). So, I would love to hear from some of you that have used protien powders and tell me what kind your using. Also, if you have any good recipes for adding protien powder, let me is the only one I've tried:
2 of the measuring cups that come in the EAS Premium Protein of the
Vanilla Powder
1/2 cup frozen fruit (your choice)
1/4 cup powdered milk (optional)
4 ice cubes
8 oz. Milk
Blend in the blender until consistancy is smooth (about 45 seconds), scrape the sides and stirr and then blend for 10 seconds again.
I would love to hear some of the other things that you all do with the protien powder that you use.
Please critique the recipe above - as I have really no experience with all of this protien powder stuff, except I did go through all of the liquid diets that were popular in the 80's and 90's.
Hi Gayla,
Early on I used a lot of the unflavored Unjury in everything. I put it in my SF Jello, Broths, SF Pudding and so on. As I progressed to more solid foods, I switched to the Vanilla and Strawberry Unjury. I put the Strawberry in my Crystal Light Lemonade to make strawberry lemonade and it is yummy. Now, I still use the Strawberry Unjury, but have switched to the Wellements Vanilla and Chocolate powders that you can get at Costco. The price is exceptional. I mix a scoop of the powder with 6-8 oz of milk or water, 1 shot of SF caramel syrup, 1 spoonful of instant coffee, and ice, then blend until smooth. It is my daily morning Frappucino! I find that sometimes I am a bit sensitive to milk lately so I use water more often than before.
I was an Unjury unflavored girl too, but found some great powder flavors on
I got IDS Vanilla Cinammon and use it with a cup of chai tea (from a teabag)... tastes just like a chai from Starbucks... 26g protein, 120 calories and like 1/3 my daily vitamins/minerals (I still take my multi don't worry, lol).
I also got Whey Gourmet Creamy Orange swirl (w/ice in the blender... yummy dreamsicle treat lol) and Vanilla Ice Cream Royale. They have a ton of other flavors I can't wait to try. My next thing is going to be getting some SF Davinci Syrups to mix with the vanilla and make frozen coffee treats.
Just some thoughts