I'm so scared-HELP!!
O.K., I'm sure that I'm not the first one to ask this but I'm really scared and you guys have done wonders to reassure me in the past..
I'm one month post-op and when I did my weekly weigh-in (at Weigh****chers if you can believe it) I was up 1.8 lbs. I'm not sure how this happened. My DR said that I might plateau but he never said GAIN.
Am I eating wrong? What can I do? I've been scared/hungry/crazy for a month now. PLEASE someone tell me that this is going to work. I can't fail again.

Whoa! Many, many things can affect weight. Did you eat something salty? Is it that time of the month? Is the moon waxing or waning? DO NOT PANIC!! As you lose weight, your body realizes it isn't getting the same level of nutrients. It will slow your metabolism for a while as it attempts to save energy and hang on to fat. Give it a little time and your weight will begin to drop again. In the meanwhile, make sure you aren't eating too many empty carbs like crackers or other refined foods. Concentrate on your protein. You will be fine.
Hi Kathleen-
There are numerous things that can cause you to gain weight in the beginning. First of all, they pump you full of fluids at the hospital which causes weight gain. Then you get pain medicine, which constipates you and causes weight gain. Even your incisions can cause swelling and weight gain! Also, your sodium levels are huge. If you are eating a lot of salt, either in prepared foods or boullion, things like that, it will cause you to retain fluids big time. Make sure you get all your water in daily, because it will promote weight loss and flushes your system. Hope this helps. And by the way, I didn't lose weight a little at a time, I would plateau and then drop. Just hang in there, I bet you'll just start dropping weight all of the sudden

Kathleen, I was expecting this to be a "I'm so scared to have the surgery," post. I haven't had surgery, and am feeling the fear, and the "I can't fail again." Then I read Linda's response. I think that people like you and I are so used to failing, that is the first thing we think of if things don't go smoothly. You'll be okay. Keep getting the support from this group and others. As far as the scared/hungry/crazy feelings you have - they are probably the things that made you overeat in the past (hope I am saying this right). So, you might consider checking back in with a nutrition counselor or if you have a regular therapist you go to, check in with her.
I know, from my own personal experience, that I am an emotional eater. My plan after surgery is to stay in touch with my therapist and walk through the things that are bothering or stressing me out as I am working on weight loss. I think that is how I am going to help myself work on my own eating issues. Maybe someone else has a better suggestion - but I wanted to say - your okay and you'll be fine! I hope that you'll check in often and let us know how your doing...I'll be watching for your posts!
Go easy on yourself Kathleen!! You are not failing at all. At all times during my weight loss phase and even during my maintenance I have always allowed/expected a variance of up to five pounds. As I was going down I would see a number on the scale for the first time. If I saw it several times I would say I "owned it". As long as I didn't go more than five pounds above that number I owned, I didn't consider that to be weight gain. There were so many times along the way that I could go up three and then by the next week I was down that three and two more. I knew that as long as I kept up with my consistent behaviors (water, exercise, protein, vitamins, etc.) the long term trend would come to me. I have weighed myself every day since surgery. I know this can drive some folks crazy and isn't helpful. For me....I loved watching the process and just didn't allow the stalls and blips to effect my mood or the way I behaved.
In these early weeks I honestly do not think it is possible to fail. Your body is still in recovery and is going to be adjusting to this new system, but it will eventually notice it isn't getting all the stuff it got pre-op and will give up the weight. Follow the rules and just embrace the hope you now have to get this weight off.
I like everyone's responses because they are all "spot on". I was a slow loser and I know others who pretty much didn't lose much at all in the begining but went on to lose nearly 200 lbs!!! Me? I am over 2 years post and I'm STILL not at goal, but I'm getting there slowly and surely. It is still working, and I'm still working on it!
Hang in there, I'll bet by now you may have seen a change and if not
you will next week.