Approved after appeal!
I can't believe it. I"m in total shock. I was so sure it would be denied again. I started making changes and losing weight on my own and making good choices and then I got the letter. It took 4 paragraphs to say I was approved LOL but hey thats ok. To everyone who is fighting and everyone who is waiting its all worth it. Don't give up! Now I just have to get in touch with Tarra with OHSU and schedule my date!
Thank you UHC !!!!
Hi Rebecca, thanks for the encouragement.
I had to loose 12 lbs and was told this on the 8th of March I am down 10 lbs. However I have maybe 4 more to go as my Doc. scale are different then mine. Also had to take 2 weeks of antibiotics ,for the H. Pylorie bac. in my stomach.
They make me ill. So I'm also anxious to get a date. Did you talk to any of the surgeons yet?I hope you get a date soon. I am going to go to Lagacy Good Sam for my surgery.
Jo Ann

Thank you very much. I have not talked to my surgeon yet. That is not how they do it at OHSU as far as I know. I was told I didn't need to lose any weight before surgery. Not sure about the antibiotics. I will find that all out in the next few days I'm sure.
I'll keep you posted. and Good Luck with your surgery and we will be on the losers bench together! YEA!!
Thank you very much. I'm very excited
I hear that congrats are in order for you and your honey! I read your post and think its great that you found the love of your life. I found the love of my life 11 years ago and we are celebrating our 10 year wedding anniversary in June. Hope I'll feel up for a trip by then. Well I wish you the best of luck with the insurance company keep us posted!
Rebecca, Congrats! I just finished jumping all of the hoops of getting all of the testing done. I am glad I did the testing, because I found out that I have sleep apnea, lipedema, high blood pressure, diabetes. I didn't know I had any of this stuff happening to me!
Now, I am just waiting for OHSU to get back to me on the insurance and then, I guess I get to make an appointment with the doctors if the insurance approves me.
I'm nervous about it all. I am trying to stay on task as far as eating better food, eating slower (I still eat in front of the television though) and that kind of thing. Exercise is still a problem for me, as I have some physical limitations.
Good luck with your surgery!!!
Thank you very much! Every bit of this road so far has been very nerve racking and exhausting. I know in the end it will all be worth it and I can't wait. I can't tell you how much I realised I think about food. I was driving home the other day and I thought I hope OHSU hospital has good food..Then I was like who cares your not going to be eating..just crazy. I'm glad I'm having these thoughts now so I can change them.
I wish you the best of luck. Don't give up no matter what. Just do what you can with exercise even if its a walk around the block. I go to Washington square and walk because I have to take my 2 year old and its to cold to be outside not to mention getting run over by cars LOL.
Ok this is long enough. GL and keep us posted as to how its going. If you need anything let me know. I'll be around!