checking in
Well It will be 5 weeks tomarrow. I have not weighed in a few days but I seem to be stuck
. eating is better even though I have not been eating much. how can a person not loose weight when they eat so little? I am walking a couple of times a week. I did have my husband take me to dinner tonight I just didnt feel like cooking at all, we went to Elmers I like the turkey plate and it sounded good sence the only meat that sets right is chicken, I remembered the little card that the Dr gave me to show the waitperson asking them to allow me to eat off the kids menu. It worked great got my meal for 399 and it was enough food for 2 meals
I will have to remember that ,,
I am getting very anxious about my dive trip next month,, Hey anyone else have bowell trouble for weeks after surgery? wow in the AM I am sometimes running to the bathroom with Diarea. Will this stop? Dr said it should. sure hope so.

Hey Kelly,
I am glad to hear you are doing well. I finally feel better myself. I did weight myself today after 2 weeks and 2 days I am down 24 lbs. I am in shock. I am still struggling to get all the fluids in. I too am suffering with the bowel issue, it lasts all day for me. It should get better with time.
Wow 24 Lbs that is awsome
time to celebrate!!!!
are you back to work? I met with Kelly today the nutritionist. I like her alot. she said to remember that even tough it dosent feel like enough weight I am doing ok. OK I will trust and keep it up. She said also that the Direa can sometimes take a bit and maybe I am struggling because I am still using hazelnut creamer in my half cup of coffee maybe its a reaction from the sugar. I will go get some that is sugar free not my fav but hey if it works that would be fine with me.
also Yes I do need more fiber.
I am so glad you are feeling better have thought about you alot this week just havent taken the time to sit down and call,
keep in touch

Hi Kelly - I often suffer from bouts of Irritable bowel syndrome (and I'm still pre-op), and my doc recommended taking fiber. I know, fiber for diarrhea?
Turns out it adds bulk and helps to keep things on an even keel. Now, I do not know what sorts of fiber are acceptable after surgery. I know most folks take Colace to prevent constipation, but I don't know what happens if you have the opposite problem. I have emailed my nutritionist and asked if Benefiber is acceptable after surgery. I'll let you know if that's okay.

Hi Kelly, My name is KathyS. Yes, ive had problems, ongoing, with diarhea. I hear ya.
Im just getting ready to go into my 8th week, today. I had alot of trouble with diarhea from the time before i came home from the hospital. My dr. Dr. Jan prescribed these prescription pills called Lonox. two each time i had diarhea. Im just now starting to have regular stools, by what i mean, more firm. but at certain times i still have some diarhea. eventually it will firm up. id go to the bathroom four or five times a day with diarhea. If it keeps up, you might want to get ahold of your dr and ask him or her about it. Just to relieve your mind. Hope this helps some. KathyS
I'm 9 months post op and can tell you I suffered the same along with constant nausea for about 8 weeks post op. It will slowly get better. Try adding a small amount of carbs to your diet, if you can tolorate some sourdough toast (usually this has no fat in it) and add some low fat cheese to help bind things up a bit (so to speak) but don't over do it - that worked well for me.
I would also suggest not getting on the scale so often - once a week or even once every two weeks - don't bum yourself out by getting on too often and not seeing a difference. Your body is in shock and will struggle sometimes to keep the fat on - trust me, it will MELT off eventually. I lost 108 pounds by month 8 and have not been on the scale for many weeks, I feel no need to do so anymore.
hang in there, you will get there, just give your body a little more time to heal and adjust - 5 weeks is still early in the game.