Thanks Patty and Tricia!
You were just too cute in your dress!! You are always such good company and you're right it was so nice to sit and talk. I was home in plenty of time to scrub the floors....but a little time for visiting is great for the soul! Trisha you are just a blooming flower this spring! I am looking forward to next month for you!!!
Well ladys I am so sorry I just couldent get there in time to much going on. I was in lincon city and didnt get on the road in time. Had my first really bad night last night. I cooked a large meal to intise my son ( just moved out at 18 ) to come over and bring his friends for a BBQ I was so excited. I sat down to eat ate 2 small bites of chicken and about 7 peas and a bite of baked potatoe and I got so sick, was puking and had to go to bed before they left. I was more bummed about not being able to visit with john than anything but it really sucked. That is the first time I actually threw up so I guess that is good. Went to the Dr today for my 4 week checkup down 27 lbs total but just 13 sence surgery.
That kinda sucks,, Dr jan says its middle of the line for weight loss at this time but I wanted it to me more.
oh well one day at a time I guess

We missed you, Kelly. There will be other opportunities!
Hey, 13 pounds is nothing to sneeze at! Keep up the good work and take it easy on the chicken. Many people have trouble with it at the beginning. I don't think I was allowed to have it at 4 weeks.
Yep, it's one day at a time. You will get there.
So far chicken is the only meat I have been able to eat with little trouble. I think it was the peas. I didnt cook them just made a salid with them. I think that is what did it. last week eating was going so good. this week its hard. I am going on a scuba dive trip next month 3 days on a liveaboard boat in the california chanel islands and I am getting nervious about eating on the boat. they cook all our meals 6 a day and I am just hopping they have food I can eat. I will take my proteen powders and some nonparshables that i can eat in case. Oh yea saturday I had some cashew nuts not many just a few and chewed them very well that went down good. I have to go get some prilosec today and see if it will help the burning.