Any 52 year olds out there who are post op? HELP!
I just turned 50 this month and I'm out 9 months now. UC Davis did my surgery and it went very well. I haven't really had a lot of the problems I've heard others talk about. I also had RNY sugery. Don't be concerned about your age, unless you are in really poor health. I'm sure you'll just fine IF you have a good surgeon and I'd check that out for sure! Best wishes to you
Rhonda, I am now 58 and had RNY surgery almost one year ago, 4-10-06, when I was 57. It was the best thing I have done for my health and happiness.
I have lost 133 pounds as of today.
I would like to lose another 40 to 50 pounds but if I do not lose another pound, the surgery would be well worth it. I just had my almost one year check with my surgeon this past week and all of my lab work is wonderful. I know several people who are between 55 and 63 that have had this surgery and are doing wonderfully. There is always a chance of problems with any surgery you have, at any age. As has already been said, be sure you have a great, knowledgable surgeon and you have a very good chance of no post-op problems but if you are like I was and you do not have surgery, you have a very good chance of having major health issues that will limit you life expectancy anyway. Julia

Hi Ronda,
I had my surgery Nov. 07, 2006 and I was 59 years young. I am now 60 years young and I feel WONDERFUL. I have a wonderful surgeon here in Oregon and his staff are just great. I had only acid reflux as my only co-mormidity (praise our Lord) which I have had none since my surgery. I had it so very bad that I would get sick to my stomach and in the middle of my sleep. I have had NO problems to date, and I have lost 64lbs and still loosing. I have had stalls but I increase my water and protein and stick to my program. Excersise as well, I do alot of walking. My husband is so very proud of me and that makes it all worth while. We were afraid about my age as well, but I got on here and lo and behold there were people having this WLS done in their sixties, one lady even wrote and said the lady in the room with her had just turned 70. I would do it again in a heart beat and wish that I would of had it done sooner in my life I had the lab RNY. I wish you well and hope that this helps, I go to our support meetings with Julia the previous poster and she looks and is doing great with her 133 weight lose.
Chrisy, I missed you yesterday at the get together at Kim's. Next month it will be on the 28th I think Kim said, so maybe I will see you there. Of course our support group meets twice before that here in Roseburg, so see ya then. Nice weather huh. Too bad they say it will be ending and rain again. Julia
I am 56 and had my surgery 8 months ago. I have been able to drop 88 pounds so far and am very pleased with the results. I had my surgery up at Legacy Emmanuel with Dr Jan. He is great. Post-op has been fairly smoothe and am experiencing the typical hair loss now but Dr Jan assures me that it will come back. I had the rouxeny lap surgery and it went great. Do it! Nancy
Hi! Not to play one-up-man-ship, but I am 70 and had rny in Jan 2007. It is the best thing I have ever done for myself and wish I could have had surgery sooner. I've lost over 40 lbs and have another 50 to go. I've gone from a size 22 pant to a 16 and feel like a human again. I don't think age has much to do with it as long as one is basically healthy. Good luck to you and tell your DH that you should have a breeze of a time.