I'm 2 1/2 weeks post -op and I'm getting very discouraged. I've been on a liquid diet for 4 1/2 weeks now and I'm just so tierd of it. I have to force myself to "eat". I am hungry all the time but when I get out a yogurt or something I don't want it. And to top it all off I'm only down 13 lbs since surgery. I'm just in a funk. Anyone out there experience something similar? I'm starting to wonder what I got myself in to..
Hi Kathleen,
I am almost 2 years out and remember your pain oh so well. I still can't bare to make tuna salad for over a year.
AND I used to love tuna salad.
Over time the appetite slows down and fits the new pouch. Usually I have to remind myself to eat. But, 13 pounds lost in 2 1/2 weeks - That is VERY GOOD!!!
Give your body a chance to adapt. I also struggled with the question of "DID I DO THE RIGHT THING?" Two years out and a big resounding YES!!!!! I just shouldn't have waited that long to make me a priority.
This is the start of a new life! We all reach plateaus and slow down in losing weight - but over time it just melts away.
Hang in there.

sweety we were all where you are now. I am almost 4 weeks out and just feeling ok because I can start eating more things. I have to admit that when I was where you are at I started eating some stuff that I was not suppose to like chicken. they said we could have it if we pured it. Well I just couldent imagine eating it pureed so I got really tender chicken strips chopped it in tiny bites and chewed the HELL OUT OF IT so that when I swallowed it was as good as pured. I to wondered and now that I am droping weight I know I needed this. one day at a time,, remember that in the grand sceam of the rest of your life these few weeks are but moment in time
One of the things my surgeon told me is that the hunger was really thirst, but we're not used to it with the new tummy.
He suggested adding more liquids, more frequently and that worked like a charm... also if you are drinking protein drinks (premade ones) they can irritate your incisions and new stomach, making it feel like you are hungry.
I felt exactly like you do... like the others said, we all pretty much ask those questions, and have the anxiety and distress of the liquids. Try adding something that seems bad like protein pudding or cottage cheese... it might fool you into thinking you are chewing :P
Good luck, and don't give up!
What liquids are you "eating"? I was on liquids for 4 weeks.Sounds like you had to be on them pre-op too. You just need to mix it up. There are several recipe sites for different protein drinks you can make that are very good. You can have soup in the blender until all the chnunks are gone. There are a lot of good ways to get different liquids so you don't get sick of everything.
As others have said, most of us have been where you're at right now. I remember having serious emotional breakdowns, crying and whining to my husband about how miserable I was and wanted REAL food, no more liquids, no more pureed foods and then the ultimate question...what did I do?!? You get through it and just remember that you are not alone in how you feel. I truly believe now that the "hunger" I felt then really wasn't true hunger as much as it was my mind telling me how hungry I was because I knew what I was eating and it seemed like nothing! I agree, get your fluids, keep up the hard work and swallow those yogurts and soups and just remember, eventually you will be at a point where you won't have to eat any of that anymore if you don't want. I have only just started in the last month to eat yogurt again and I am almost 10 months post-op. Trust me, I know your pain here, and I can tell you it gets better. I still think eating can be a chore mostly because I just don't find as much pleasure in eating as I used to since I don't eat that much and I don't eat all the junk which is the fun stuff
As for your weight loss I can feel you there too. I have only lost 72 pounds in the last 10 months (I say only and others say WOW) and have been on a plateau since November! Just remember, it takes time, patience, and a little work. I am in no way saying it's easy because I am a very impatient person and have had a real struggle seeing my loss go so slow..but again, I'm not alone and neither are you.
Keep up the good work-- it will pay off!