Anyone taking the "freedom from diets " course thru Kiaser, on their way to surgery?
I was wondering because I am from Newberg Oregon and will attend the class in April thru June I think 12 weeks one of the many things we have to do to prepare to MAYBE have the surgery. I just wanted to connect with some friends and just not go it alone
My doc referred me 2 weeks ago and they sent the packet and I filled it out man oh man this is gonna be a big step for me
Well hope to hear from ya even if you have been thru this already I would love to know ya ..Have a great day ......................Regina

on 3/15/07 1:21 am - OR
on 3/15/07 1:21 am - OR
Hi Regina,
I am having surgery on March 20th if I don't cancel, I am scared to death, but I need to stop the diet thing it does not work. I have had 2 back fusions and gained 150 pounds, have diab. high chol. and can't breath without thinking I will pass out. I am so worried about the diet after the surgery, Can I do just liq for 4 weeks, then can I ever eat again without throwing up, I have only heard about that from the support groups I have gone to. What to do..... lol......
I have been wanting this for so long now that it is coming up I just don't know..
I have just been crying and don't want to make the wrong decison..
I hope your appt. goes well and you have a good visit with your DR. my Dr. is wonderful it is just me...
Please mail me with your thoughts
North Bend
Welcome, I had my bypass 4 weeks a go and am just starting on regular food this last week. I am d oing great and down 25 lbs. I really dont mind the change in amounts and am adjusting to the change in the types of food. The no food thing for a few weeks wasent the funnest time I ever had but It was really not so bad at all, I just took it one day at a time and it went by fast. Good luck and keep posting
Hi Regina,
I am going to something probably similar in Eugene. They call it WIP. The way it was explained to me is that they are going to work with me and get me ready for surgery. They are working on my eating and excercise habits and some head stuff. I'll admit, at first, was frosted that I had to go through not just 12 weeks, but 2 parts of it, both 12 weeks each! The first 12 weeks is only once a week, and that one is actually working okay. I have the eating plan that the bariatric docs suggest you follow after surgery, and that is what I am aiming for and they are helping me get there by making healthy choices, which after surgery would still be a good thing. Same with the excercise. By the time surgery comes around (if I get approved also), the eating and excercise will be ingrained enough in me that it will be a cake walk. I'm not looking forward to the second set of 12 weeks though, that one I have to go in 3 times a week and I live almost an hour away, ugh.. but again, it will be worth it and I feel that I will definitely succeed after the surgery. I also decided that even though this is a hoop, I am going to get as many tools as I can to get this weight off and these classes are just another tool... Good Luck and keep us posted!