almost 4 weeks post op
Ok we are getting there will be 4 weeks on friday wont see Dr Jan until monday am so I am trying to be good but I am finding that I can eat most anything. Of corse in small quanitys. Its funny but I sometimes forget that I did this and start eating and real quick I feel not quite right and remember OOOOH YAAA tummy is not the same :-l . my husband I swear everything i eat he asks are you suppose to be eating that?
I know hes trying to help but It is getting annoying. breakfast or mornings is the hardest. I have my proteen and vitamins and about 1/4 cup of coffee with some cream and I have to get up early to get all that down before I have to leave. I have been taking the proteen with me to work because I just cant get it down in time to leave. lunch has been small portion of meat about the size of a egg and I make sure I have some cheese and or lunch meat at work so I have something when I feel a little hungry. Last night I had half a pork loin very small one and a little potatoe salid. I really want salid but not sure if I should yet. my focus is proteen right now. made some sugar free chocolate puddin and added a scoop of proteen powder. It set up just fine and it gives me another 6 grams for desert if I can get all the pudding down. I do find that evenings is a little easier to eat proubly because I am not rushed at all, When I eat to fast or if I am rushed I just dont feel good. Oh yea sauces are not settling most of the time
I love sauces.
what do you guys think?
I feel like my portions are getting bigger which worrys me I want to keep loosing. I need to work in exercise now I am so bad at that during the week.
I hope I can make breakfast this weekend it I can I wont know until saturday

ok I spoke to soon. I went for a good walk after work with my hubby. came home and made some beef ribs on the barbgue and beans. 2 bites of beef and I was sooooooo sick.
i didnt even swallow it it was to tough to break down good so I spit it out. OOHHH I dont like the sick thing at all. Ill wait a few hours and try some chicken.
of corse Al said I was concerned about that

You are doing GREAT!!! I have yet to encounter anything I can't eat, and was so concerned early out because I seemed to be able to eat more than what I have always heard my peers say they can eat (except for you Cheri!!). I still feel that way. I can remember me expressing my worry to Dr. Hong, and Dr. Hong not sharing my worry. I was disappointed I could tolerate things so well....he advised that it was not a bad thing and wouldn't be a predictor of future failure. We are all so sure and afraid this isn't going to work!! If you step back and look at it you are not eating very much. The goal is to eat different - not to not eat. Your doing great, and nothing sounds out of order in your routine.
It's hard for loved ones to not "participate". This is a big journey for them too, and you know his heart is in the right place. Having said that's normal to have to "coach" them a bit on the fact that we really don't need them to monitor what our choices are. My husband didn't interfere until later (when my appetite came back for real). I told him I really needed to make my own decisions. My awareness of what I was eating and the thought I put into my habits was pretty obvious to him and he was able to back off without too many dirty looks from me. As time has gone on we have both lost some of our paranoia that it isn't for real and isn't gonna last. I try to balance that with never getting too complacent.
I am so glad for this post from seems funny but these same things are starting to go on for me and my family. I hear the same things and I feel the same about if it is really going to keep working. I hope it is normal and from the sounds of it from everyone that has responded it is. This is working out great for me that you are a week ahead of are asking all of my questions for me. Hope to see you on Sunday.
You may also want to try the Cosco brand of protein drink called premier. It has 35 grams of protein. I also like Nitro Tech at GNC which has 45 grams of protein. Isopure is great over crushed ice and comes in 7 flavors. It has 40 grams of protein and 0 carbs. My favorite is Micellar milk which has 40 grams of protein. I like to freeze it and eat it like ice cream.
You sound like you are doing great. I worried about the portions too
I felt like I could eat a ton and yet, really, if it's straight protein, I can't. If I mix my meat and veggies, i do eat more than 4 oz, but if it's just meat, i can't even get close to 4 oz.
Listen to your new tummy, not your head and you are doing great!
Yeah, the exercise thing... not so much fun :P Very hard to get motivated after years of doing almost none.
Keep it up, you rock!