i don't like protien
Is it bothering your pouch, or are you just unhappy that you have to eat it? If it's the former, check with your doc or nutritionist. If the latter, you need an attitude adjustment. Sorry to say it, but that is one of the reasons we go through the psychological testing. You need to be able to do what it takes to keep yourself healthy after surgery. What sorts of things have you tried? Is it just protein shakes you don't like, or are you having trouble with fish, yogurt, beans, what?
How far out of surgery are you? What stage of foods?
And it's ok to freak a little, but there are a thousand different options for protein and Linda is dead on, it's time to try different ones and have a little of each until you can get close the requirements.
Don't like meat, try refried beans with a little melted cheese on top. Don't like beans try tofu. Don't like tofu try fish... don't like fish try seafood... don't like seafood try cheese (lots of cheese options) don't like cheese, try protein drinks, don't like protein drinks try protein sf pudding (chocolate seems to taste best)... or protein bars or soy chips or or or or or...
If you truly need some help and your Nut is not helping, send one of us an email and we will be glad to try ... maybe you just need a shoulder
We all do from time to time.