having surgery on March 20th and scared to death
on 3/13/07 2:41 am - OR
on 3/13/07 2:41 am - OR
I am having my open gastric bypass soon, and I scared of dying, I need to get this wt. off I have diab. now and can't breath with I do just little things, I had 2 back fusions and gained over 150 pounds I have never been heavy and I don't like it.
I have made food my bestfriend and my friend is killing me.
Please if you have a min and can comfort me I would love to hear from you. Just hope I can find this page again. lol
Thank You for your time and support
N.B. Oregon
Hi Virgie. My name is Nola and I hope to have the surgery eventually.
I'll keep you in my prayers. I'm sure everything will go perfectly. And I know what you mean about the food being your friend. For 40+ years I've turned to it for comfort and it's taken a toll on my body.
You're in my thoughts and prayers, and know that there is always someone here on the board to talk with.
Hi Virige:
I had gastric bypass surgery on August 22, 2006. It was the best thing that has ever happened to me. I started out at 526 lbs on February 23, 2005. I am now down to 292 lbs, I have a very supportive husband, and he has been with me every step of the way. I workout 3-4 days a week. I too am a type 2 diabetic. had severe sleep apnea which is now gone due to the surgery. My blood surgars have gone back to normal.
I have twins who are almost 11 months old, and now can enjoy seeing them grow up. feel free to e-mail me anytime,
Virgie- I read your post and got so sad...you are so close to being there! Hold on and keep only good things on your mind- focus on the positive aspects and the great results! I am going in on the 30th and will expect to get "nerves" about the week before. By then you'll be home & can write to me & calm me down, ok? I'll be counting on you!
Virgie - I know you - and I think you might know me also. I really wish you the best in this journey through weight loss. I too am approaching my my surgery date. It isn't scheduled yet, but I have jumped all of the hoops and am now waiting for OHSU to contact me and set up a date to meet with the surgeons. I would love to talk to you about this. I know you will do just fine!
I have a website - http://chronicpain-byladyfrog.com
or http://ladyfrog-vintage-jewelry.com
I keep a running blog. I also have a chat room on my site and a forum all about chronic pain. We lived in North Bend for many years and I had a beauty salon there.