Timeline question
Nola - I think that's about what it will be for me too. About four months from start to finish. I went to the seminar in late January at OHSU. I'm just about done with everything except the psych evaluation, which I will have next Tuesday. They said it would be about 2 weeks after that before they could get approval, which would put me into mid-April. I'll be out of town for a couple of weeks, then have the surgery when I get back, most likely early May.
Nola, If I understand your question correctly I got my appliclation in and it was 6 weeks before I heard from the clinic to come in and start the process. I acutually got denied because my insurance did not cover it and had to change plans and start over again,, once you get the call from the clinic telling you that you do or donot have coverage then it took me 5 months after that. Now I was doing this during the holidays so I think It took me a bit longer. I was like you and called the clinic every week after 3 weeks to see if my appliclation had gone thru. The lady down there was really nice even though I called so much
well it depends on whats going on in the clinic and I started in sept it was halloween when I had my first appointments with the clinic, but I did get things done in advance like sleep studys and such you can call your PCP and get those out of the way also get the blood work and such done before you even get in the obesity clinic. it did make the rest go faster, I know what you are saying though I was the same way, wanted it now. keep busy and try not to think to much about it
I went to a seminar in December, heard from the clinic (Legacy O.I.) in early January, was done with all appointments and workup by early Feb and was approved and scheduling surgery the last week of February. They were willing to schedule my surgery one week after that but I couldn't get my life together quite that quickly. :uhoh: So I am having surgery tomorrow at Good Sam! That's pretty quick, I think. The whole thing included 2 sleep studies but no cardiologist or anything. I feel very lucky!
Hope that helps, and maybe gives you a little more hope? My ins. is Regence BCBS, btw.
Good luck!