Anyone see Oprah this week regarding WLS
Anyone catch the Oprah episode this week regarding "transfer addiction" experienced by some people post-op? As usual, Oprah only provides a forum for negative WLS experiences. Weight is a very personal subject for Oprah, and being that she does not believe in WLS her negative bias is so obvious.
For those not familiar, there is thought that for some people who's obesity is a very emotionally triggered eating disorder based on compulsive behavior, when eating is not an option due to the surgery some people replace it with another compulsive behavior, ie., gambling, sex, drinking, etc.
I will always ponder and examine why I myself became obese, and why the surgery has worked so well for me. I do think I have some roots in anxiety and/or compulsive behavior. I also think that for me it seemed like my appetite signals were on malfunction and that the surgery has addressed this.
On the show, one woman seemed to be reacting to her discomfort with her thin sexually attractive body image. O.K. I admit I was doing stuff and no****ching the T.V. closely, but that seemed to be her issue. There is a high number of obese women that have their roots in emotional eating connected to being a victim of sexual abuse and the need to hide behind their weight to be "undesirable". I don't know if this was her problem, but of course it made for a "shocking" Oprah show.
The guest that did really touch me and as usual was shared with heart was from Carnie Wilson. It ends up she became a raging alcoholic post-op (but prior to her pregnancy) which she had never struggled with pre-op. She looked great and seems to have overcome her problem, but seems like she will have to really work on her issues forever. She still is supportive of WLS, but was very concerned that people be aware of the possibility of transferring their compulsive behavior to something else. Carnie will always be a hero to me, because she is truly the reason I had surgery. She brought WLS to my attention in the first place. I read her book with the hunger of someone who had just never had anyone talk about my problem in such a frank and approachable manner. She was funny and honest, and I am so grateful she decided to share her truths with us all.
On another note.....this same week a study was released that has made a link between appetite and the level of leptin - a hormone related to appetite. Not the first time this has been linked, but there is stronger evidence that in obese people the leptin receptors are not functioning normally. It is similar to the body producing glucose in a type II diabetics, but the pancreas not being receptive to the hormone signal. This would support the idea that for some people there is no mental issue, compulsive issue, abuse in the past, etc. For some people it is probably just a physical thing that is malfunctioning.
I guess both topics bring to mind how complicated this obesity thing is! Until they figure it out I am just glad to have gotten the weight off. In case my own obesity is caused by one or the other I try to be mindful of all aspects.
I watched the end of the show and walked away really angry. Carnie Wilson weighed 340 lbs prior to surgery, her dad locked himself in a room for ten years to drink and drug, addiction is everywhere in her family, and she didn't think she might have an addictive personality? Come on, I don't believe that. Did you hear when the psychologist told the women in the audience that she didn't know herself before surgery, essentially saying that no fat person can know themself. I thought "I hope the letters fly" after that comment. As far as the woman who had the affairs and one night stands, she said she had the surgery to improve her marriage and after the surgery her husband was not supportive at all, in fact, he had distanced himself even more after surgery. She also stated that she been heavy her entire life and had never had male attention before. So basically, she's in an unhappy marriage with an unsupportive partner and now she is attractive as well. First of all, how convenient for her husband that he never had to worry about this before, and second of all, I don't see this as a "fat person" behavior, men and women have been having affairs for the same reasons since the beginning of time. I'm not condoning it, but I certainly don't see how this relates to bypass surgery. Okay, I vented.
I agree Vikky - I was mostly annoyed at the slant of the whole show. There have been other guests on previous shows that also behaved very badly in one way or another after surgery. It was pretty obvious that they weren't very mentally healthy prior to surgery and focusing on the "shocking" behavior as a post-op put the surgery in a very unfair light. I don't understand why Oprah is so against surgery. For every one of those negative results I do believe there are thousands of great stories. I'd go on there but she and Dr. Phil annoy me too much.
Back when I was over three hundred pounds I was always hearing that saying "it's not what your eating - it's what's eating you". I would ponder, because I really felt like a pretty balanced happy person, who had a very normal and happy childhood, and as an adult experienced a positive marriage and family life. That's why the second subject I mentioned interests me, because I think in some instances it MAY be more biological than psychological. I do think it was a very important part of my post-op behavior to include therapy to support me and seek understanding about my behaviors, but it seems like my therapist has focused on managing current stress and anxiety rather than unearthing "issues" related to my obesity.
Having surgery to improve your marriage should have sent a red light to any responsible surgeon or doctor doing a psych evaluation. I suppose one can say anything to get through the door, but that is not a good reason to pursue surgery. I have heard WLS can make a good marriage stronger and a bad marriage weaker. Generalities, but probably some truth.
As for Carnie...she should have been on guard with her history. Denial was such a huge part of my coping when I was obese. When I look back I really can't believe how much I denied, but if I hadn't I would have been too devastated to go on. I can see how it could continue to exist in a different form. I still think she her motives have been to reach out to others that have suffered some of the things she has. I still think she casts WLS in a positive light. I haven't really decided what I think overall about that other show Greatest Loser (is that the one she was on?). In some ways I'm bothered, but in a lot of other ways I'm touched at their honesty and effort. Who knows?!?
Thanks for your comments.
Hi Patty,
Long time no see!
I wanted to see this show very much, but had to work. Now I know what it was about!! Yes, Oprah has a strong bias against WLS and I don't get it either!! I certainly have had no such problems after my surgery. Like you, my obesity wasn't related to abuse, but did have it's roots in childhood. Yes there were some emotional issues, but i know what they were and have worked through them. I too am much more interested in the second issue as this strikes a chord with me.
Will you be able to join us for breakfast this Sunday at the Village Inn? 9:00 AM. Would love to hear more about the study.
Have a great day.
PS on 4/13/07