Lap Band Meeting -McMinnville
Hello everyone,
I have officially found a home for our meetings.
2250 NE McDaniel Ln, McMinnville Senior Center, they are closed on Saturdays and will be opening to let us use there all purpose room.
Here is the next three meetings:
March 17th - 9am, choosing healthy snack and proper food portions
April 28th - 9am, Robin From Dr. Tersigni's office will be joining us
June 9th -9am, Subject to be determined
Any one is welcome although we will be address lap band issues since that's what I know the most of. I have started an email list if you want put on that list please
email me at [email protected]
Looking forward to seeing all of you !

Dear Gail,
Hi, my name is Sheryl and I live in Independence Oregon. I am currently doing all of the hoop jumping in preparation for surgery up in Portland at Legacy. I am currently considering the lap band.
I am interested in your support group after surgery, and I like the fact I don't have to go clear to Portland.
My screen name is Silverthorn.