Hi All, surgery was last wednesday, and I'm home
thanks for all you warm and kind posts.
I still have a small amount of dizziness. No, big deal. It's over, I'm fine. Don't know how the band will behave. I don't feel like eating anything, but, i hear that's normal after surgery. One thing I will mention is ICE. Now, I'm not a Dr. So you might want to ask. But, An Ice pack on my stomach for 10 minutes at a time has been great. My stomach, of course was very swollen and the Ice was a life saver. But, ASK, I may note have a clue what I'm talking about.
Also, I want to thank those of you who dropped by to see me. You are such a special group. Who Knew, that along with this new body, I would get such great new freinds?
Not to mention, a great smelling laundry detergent!
Love ya
Hi Nancy, it was so nice to hear from you, I was concerned,call anytime. I guess its a given, that ice will reduce swelling ,so it sounds like your on the right track.I hope to see you at the getogether on the 17th. I'm hoping to be there. Every day now will be exciting for you, as you start to lose the lbs. So glad your feeling OK. Now you can get on that horse and ride!!!
Jo Ann

How's it going, girl? I was hoping you'd call me, as I gave your hubby my phone number, but forgot to get your's.
:do we LapBander's still need to get the B-12? I am unclear on this matter.
Give me a call sometime in the evening today or tomorrow, I have questions for you!
1 1/2 days to go!!